Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Bible Chapter: Numbers 21 & 22

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Complaining, speaking against God.  Again, this got Israel in to trouble.  They kept saying it was better before.  They lost patience in believing God to take care of them.  The Lord sent snakes among the people and many died from the snake bites.  This got their attention.  Sadly, many people insist on doing things their own way until God has to do something drastic to get their attention.  They repented.  God told Moses to hang a bronze snake on a pole.  Anyone who looked at the snake would be healed.  Along with healing people, this was a very important picture pointing to Jesus.  He said that just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must He be lifted up and that He could bring life to all who seek Him.
    There is also a story of Balak, King of Moab, who was afraid of Israel.  His solution was to bring in Balaam to curse the nation.  God prevented the curse.  This is an interesting story in that it shows God’s power and protection.  It also shows that God can use anything.  Here, he used Balaam’s donkey to talk to him.  I have heard people say, “If God can use Balaam’s donkey, He can use me”.  Sometimes we make excuses for our lack of ability.  God can help us do anything we need to do.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I am thinking about the absolutely amazing things that have happened in my life time.  I have said in the past that in the whole history of the world, probably no bigger changes were made in how people live and travel than in the life of my grandparents.  Now, we are seeing the speed of the changes increase.  In my life I have seen computers go from taking up a large room requiring many people to run and maintain it to powerful and small ones we carry around.  It’s not that we are any smarter today, but that God is revealing amazing insights and knowledge.  This tells me that God can empower, He can enable people to do anything He wants.  He will help me to do far more than I think I can.  I must believe in and trust in Him.

3.  How can I help someone?
    It seems to be more fun to complain.  It seemed that way for Israel.  This is a lesson they had to learn over and over again.  I want to help people see that God wants to teach us important lessons.  If we don’t learn them, He will take us back to school to take the class again.  If He has to, God will use a donkey to speak to us.