Bible Chapter: Numbers 29 & 30
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.As I was reading the instructions regarding these special feasts and sacrifices, a few words jumped out to me -- “Do no regular work” and “you must deny yourselves”. When the time came for them to sacrifice and worship, that was the priority. The “regular work”, the routine of things we do so often interferes with worshiping the Lord. How many people don’t go to church, or miss out on worshiping the Lord, simply because they make other events the priority? We know that this happens often. And, the concept of denial of personal convenience, pleasure and desire is commonly rejected. Instead, the emphasis is on pampering ourselves. This reflects the immaturity of our culture. Even without specifically thinking about it, it is common for people to live a life that says they want what they want and no one should deny them.
Sacrifice and commitment; these are two elements that bring us closer to the Lord.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Keeping promises is emphasized. If a person makes a vow to God, He expects them to keep it. Along with the times of worship, God’s people were making vows. God said they must keep them. In reading these chapters we see the importance of sacrifice, commitment and then doing what we say we are going to do. Note to self: listen to these truths and then DO.
3. How can I help someone?
A message to believers in Jesus: keep Him on the top of your priority list. Quit making excuses that allow you to miss times of worship and learning. Quit being influenced by people around you so that God gets what is left over of your time, talents and resources.