Bible Chapter: Leviticus 27
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.This is one of the challenging chapters we read. Exactly what does it mean? People would make vows, commitments to God for His service. These were important. God expected them to keep their vows. God allowed them to redeem their vows with a price. These vows were not made lightly. To redeem an adult male would cost about four years worth of income. The money given would be used to maintain God’s house.
God was and is a priority in life. Along with the vows mentioned in this chapter, it talks about the tithe. The tithe, ten percent of the increase from their efforts, belongs to God. Verse 30 says it belongs to God, it is holy to the Lord. This biblical principle brings blessing to people who honor it. The tithe is the biblically revealed way to support God’s house.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
People must not make rash and unthoughtful commitments to God. They must follow through with what they promise God. God expects us to be faithful to Him. This is what I and all who call themselves believers in Jesus must do. We must be faithful to live for and serve God. We must obey what God says to do with our resources.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help believers to see the importance of commitment to Jesus. I want to help them see the importance of managing their finances in a way that honors God. This includes the tithe.