Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 1 & 2

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Jeremiah had a prophetic ministry to the southern kingdom of Judah at the end of Judah’s history for about 40 years.  He cried out to the nation many times.  He warned them of God’s judgment to come.  Sadly, the people refused to listen. Jeremiah lived to see Babylon invade Judah, and that brought the destruction of its capital city, Jerusalem, as well as the temple.  God spoke to Jeremiah telling him that before he was even born, He had been set aside to be a prophet. Jeremiah’s response was that he couldn’t speak for the Lord because he was too young. Got rebuked his hesitation told him not to be afraid of the people for He, God, would be with Jeremiah and protect him. God helped him see the specific judgments that would come to Judah.
    God told Jeremiah to go and proclaim the message to Jerusalem that God remembered when the nation was as a young bride and loved and followed God. They enjoyed the fruitful bounty of the land. But then they did something very strange. God asked them if any nation had ever traded its God’s for new ones, and yet the people had exchange the glorious God for worthless idols. God challenge the people to call on these worthless God’s they had made.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    There are some very encouraging words in this passage. God let Jeremiah know that he had an awesome plan for him and that God would never abandon him. God was his strength and protection. His age was no issue, for God can use any willing person at any age. Wherever I am in life, I must remember that God will use me in His perfect way as I am listening to Him and following His direction. We never know where God will take us.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Some of the best advice I have ever heard in life says that we must be willing to learn from the mistakes of others. As we learn from their mistakes, we are in a position to not have to make them ourselves. So, my word of encouragement to all is to learn from the lessons God was teaching His people in this book, realizing God’s great love for people and His sorrow when anyone disobeys.