Sunday, March 8, 2015

Bible Chapter: Isaiah 45 & 46

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    We must never try to limit who God can use for His purposes. Here we see that God used an unbeliever, Cyrus, to set Israel free from captivity. This was part of God’s plan to use Israel for salvation of the human race. God promised to go before them and make the crooked places straight. He again declared that He is the Lord and there is no other God besides him. We see the warning of woe against anyone strives with his maker. There will come a day when every nation will acknowledge that there is only one true God. All nations are invited repent and believe in God, to turn from rebellion and sin to receive God’s salvation. There will come a day when every knee will bow before the Lord. Paul repeated this truth in Philippians chapter 2 when he said that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    Babylon worshiped false gods that did not have the power to keep them from being destroyed. Israel worshiped the Lord who was not made by human hands or had to be carried around by those that formed them. God promised His people that He would carry them and provide for them.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    The promise of Isaiah 46:4 that God carry His people through every age of life is a great encouragement. He said that He has made us and He will carry and deliver us throughout life. Instead of being a burden, as is referenced to the false gods in verse one, God is a blessing and encouragement to all who believe in Him. What a great uplift this is to know that God is involved in and cares for my life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Who or what are you looking to for strength and guidance in the issues of life? Are you looking to a source that requires your support? Or, are you putting your full and complete trust in God promises that He is the one who will carry us through? This critical decision will make all of the difference in life.