Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 29 & 30

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    At the end of Israel’s forty year trek through the wilderness, Moses spoke to them to renew the covenant God made with them.  He challenged them to carefully follow the terms of the covenant so that they would prosper in all aspects of life.  They were warned to not claim the blessing and then insist on going their own way.  God has never given people permission to sin.  Moses told them that this would bring disaster down upon them.  There are deceived people who think they can put on a show of serving God while they continue to actively participate in sin.  God clearly warned them against this mind set.
    God’s promises of provision and prosperity always hinged on their obedience.  This principle was repeated many times throughout the writings of Moses.  The modern church needs to be reminded of this truth.  Jesus didn’t come to simply give us a free pass to sin and then forgiveness.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    From the beginning God has given people a free will to make the choices of behavior.  This is repeated in the ending of chapter thirty.  Moses talked about a person’s heart.  He talked about a person’s heart being drawn away from worshiping God.  What we allow to come in to our hearts will direct our lives.  Israel was challenged that God gave them a choice: life and death.  He said they should choose life so they and their children might live.
    The longer I live the more I see that God loves life and the devil loves death.  The desire of evil is to make life miserable and present death as a viable and desirable option.  People really do have choices to make.  Sadly, so many make the choice for the things of evil and destruction.  These bad choices influence their children and grandchildren.  Moses challenged them to choose life so that they and their children would live.  When the lie of evil convinces someone that what they do doesn’t matter or impact others, multiple generations are destroyed.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Someone wrote a song that includes the prayer that God will open the eyes of their heart.  This is what I want to help people do, open their eyes so they can really see what is happening in their lives and what is the impact of their decisions.  I want people to see that choosing God is always the best, no matter what the other options may look like.