Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 15 & 16

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God cares about people.  He cares about the needs people have.  Here Israel was told that God would provide for them if they would obey.  At the same time they knew that some of their people would have financial needs.  God instructed them to help out, not be stingy.  Every seven years they were to forgive debts of fellow Israelites.  They were to release the people who had sold themselves as slaves.  They were to be generous.  God told them He would notice if they were stingy.  These are illustrations of how God takes care of His people.
    God gave them many ways to worship Him.  They had feasts that would remind them of all the blessings they had received.  They were to be generous with offerings to God.  They were to continue to worship God.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    After reading two chapters, I found a very interesting short portion at the end of chapter sixteen. God is very concerned about real justice for people.  He told them to appoint judges to judge the people fairly.  They were not to pervert justice or show partiality.  They were to reject bribes and to only follow justice.  That is very powerful.  This reflects the rest of these chapters.  They were told to care for people in need.  They were reminded of being faithful to God.  Those who do these things will also care about justice.  What I observe in our world today is that often justice is what people in positions of power want it to be.  I believe that many judges and those with position to impact and influence culture are misusing their positions and will stand before God, the real Judge, and be very sorry for their rulings.  These chapters are a good challenge to help those in need and be concerned with fair and proper treatment of all.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Encourage generosity.  Be generous.  Be caring about the needs people have.  Worship God faithfully.  Encourage good treatment of all.