Bible Chapter: Genesis 45
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Finally, the beginning of the happy ending. Joseph tested his brothers and could contain himself no longer. In a tearful reunion he shocked his brothers by revealing his identity. They were amazed. I’m sure it took a while for the truth to settle in. Joseph was especially anxious to talk with and hug Benjamin. He reunited with all his brothers. He gave them provisions for the journey home along with many gifts. And, he told them to bring the whole clan back to Egypt. He would take care of them. They wouldn’t have to worry through the famine which would last five more years.
Jacob struggled to accept the news when the boys got home. It almost gave him a heart attack. When he saw all the bounty Joseph gave them Jacob finally believed it and said he would travel to Egypt so he could see his son again before he died.
God used the evil actions of the brothers to accomplish His purpose. He preserved the line of Abraham and provided a posterity to God’s covenant people. They all moved to the land of Goshen in Egypt. It was there that the nation of Israel was formed. When they finally left there were more than a million people that descended from Abraham.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Press on. Keep on doing what is right and trust God for the results. It took a long time for Joseph to see the reward for his faithfulness. Jacob didn’t believe he would ever see Joseph again. But, God worked things out. In the long term things did work out. In the light of eternity, things will work out for all who are faithful to Jesus. And, for the brothers they discovered there is forgiveness. These are good principles for all to live by.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see it is worth it to serve Jesus. It is worth it to be kind. God can work things out. When Pharaoh found out that Joseph’s brothers had come, he was delighted and offered them great rewards simply for being family. Joseph could have told Pharaoh not to do it, they weren’t worthy, but he didn’t. I want to help people see that rewards do come. The extended family was blessed because of Joseph’s faithfulness and integrity.