Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bible Chapter: Genesis 38

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Another chapter of poor choices.  The Bible doesn’t hide these sad events in the lives of people.  This chapter also shows the negative impact of not following God’s directions and doing whatever a person wants.  Judah left the family and went among the Canaanites.  He married a woman there and had a family.  As the family grew the oldest got married.  He was a wicked man.  There is no guarantee that the next generation of a godly family will be godly, but it is more sure that when a person grows up in a wicked family that the next generation will follow suit.  This is another illustration of the extended effect people have when they do something, especially something negative.  God reaches a point where He judges wickedness.
    Judah shows one of the factors of wickedness: I can do what I want but someone else needs to act according to what is right.  Judah hired who he thought was a prostitute and didn’t think anything of it.  When he discovered that it was his daughter-in-law, he was mad at her for acting like a prostitute.  His corrupt and hypocritical actions revealed his sinfulness.  This is another sad chapter in the history of mankind.  So many problems would be avoided by obedience to God.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I am reminded of an old song we used to sing.  Part of it says:
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way,
To be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey.
    Trust God that He knows what He is doing.  Trust Him that His ways are the best.  Then, obey what He says.  It shouldn’t be that difficult, but the battle of the flesh against God is strong.  It is so common among people to think that “my way is better”.  If Judah had thought about all the potential problems before he went among the heathen and took a wife, he would have never gone.  He would have prevented much sorrow and grief.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I want to help people see the long-term benefits of trusting and obeying God.  That is foundational to getting life in order.  It is also very hard for so many to do.  It can seem that the opposite is better, but that is always only in the short term.  In the light of eternity, it is always God’s way is best.