Bible Chapter: Genesis 35
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Finally, Jacob returned to his homeland. And, in the process he ordered his family to get rid of the foreign gods they had collected. How sad that this was necessary. They had fallen way down spiritually and there were many negative effects of their fall. They had to do a major house cleaning. Purification and change were needed. God’s holiness leaves no room for spiritual compromise and filth. This is a good lesson for believers today. The downward spiritual spiral is so easy to join. Evil is all around. It would be helpful for all to do as Jacob’s family did - commit to personal holiness, clear out anything that is offensive to God, recommit to a strong fellowship with God and do all to follow the teachings of the Bible.
God appeared to Jacob again. Growing close to God in obedience will bring us into His presence and we will sense Him. These thoughts have been in my mind much lately. It is too easy to travel on a spiritual cruise control. We must be accelerating spiritually and pursuing all that God had for us. God has an awesome adventure for us.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Closeness to God and obedience to Him does not mean that all events in life will be perfect. It was after Jacob’s spiritual renewal that his wife, Rachel, was giving birth to a son. It was a difficult delivery and she died in childbirth. Benjamin was born but she passed away.
They finally got to where Isaac was. He lived a hundred and eighty years and then passed away. Jacob and Esau buried him. How much was missing from their lives because of deceit. The family was separated for decades because of selfishness. This is a good lesson to learn. Don’t let anything get in the way of family relationships. It’s not worth it.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the benefits of doing things God’s way, even when we don’t fully understand all the details. Godly principles are the best way to live. They will prevent many problems and make life better.