Bible Chapter: Genesis 44
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Joseph was getting close to the time where he revealed his identity to his brothers. After feeding them a banquet, they were ready to head out early in the morning for home. Joseph told his servant to put their money back in the bags of food. He also told them to put his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. This brought great sorrow to the brothers when it was discovered. Benjamin was accused of stealing the cup. Joseph’s servant said that Benjamin would have to return to Egypt and become Joseph’s slave.
Two interesting points. When the silver cup was found in Benjamin’s sack, they all tore their clothes in despair. This was a sign of real grief. They were overcome with the situation as it was unfolding. They were afraid for Benjamin and how it would affect their father. The fact that they had lived with guilt for more than twenty years over their despicable actions against Joseph is revealed in Judah’s statement “God is punishing us for our sins”. They acknowledged their sin. If a person has any semblance of a conscience, God will continue to speak to them about their sins and the need to repent. Sin always carries a big consequence. Joseph could see that changes had occurred in his brothers, for they were acting responsibly regarding the issues of money and their concern for the well-being of their father.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Integrity in the actions of life is so valuable. A person who acts with moral soundness will be saved from having a life of fear of the consequences. It is like a person driving down the highway with the cruise control set at the speed limit. When they come over a hill and see a police car running radar, they don’t have to panic and hit the brakes. They just cruise on by because they are obeying the law. If Joseph’s brothers had acted with integrity and righteousness in life, they would have been spared decades of grief. Our modern culture has countless examples of people living is so-called freedom who eventually harvest the consequences of their sin. We can learn from both positive and negative experiences. I want to always learn from the negative situations such as in this story the importance of doing what God says.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the blessings of a life lived serving Jesus. Studying the Bible reveals the high standards of righteousness God expects. Short cuts to life and integrity are very tempting. But, like a student who cheats in a class, when the real tests of life come, they can’t handle it. It is always worth doing things God’s way. Really, if I need surgery, I don’t want a doctor who cheated in medical school.