Bible Chapter: Genesis 36
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.When God created the human race, He gave us a free will. We have the choice to serve God or not. When people serve God, they have the promises of God and the hope He provides. So many people who know better make the decision to walk away from God and do whatever they please. This is a description of Esau. He was taught God’s truths. He had great material prosperity. In fact he had so much that he had to move away from the home area where Jacob was living because the land wouldn’t support all they had. And in the midst of it all, he walked away from God.
Esau did not have spiritual prosperity, he did not live in obedience to God. He married multiple wives from the area. He showed little respect for the spiritual lessons God had revealed. He lived as he pleased. His descendants formed the nation of Edom and it was an ungodly nation. They were very evil and brought God’s wrath down on themselves. This is a very sad spiritual heritage for someone who could have brought up godly children.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
We all have a unique spiritual heritage. We might have been brought up in a godly home. We might have never heard of Jesus till we grew up. Whatever it may be, we are responsible to receive the gift of life Jesus paid for on the cross. I constantly read about people who throw away all that God has for them because of some spiritual failures of their parents or someone they knew at church. I fail to see the logic - throw away eternity and God because of what someone else did. God will judge them for their failures. It won’t work to stand before God on judgement day and say that because of what someone else did, I decided to not serve God. Now, God, give me a pass and let me in to your home. That won’t work. What must I do? I must serve God and let all those folks I have met who were spiritual failures deal with God on their own.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people serve God. My appeal is to not let anything get in the way of a strong personal relationship with Jesus. No fun, no entertainment, no popularity is worth losing out on what God has for us in this life and what He has for us in eternity. No excuse will work. Don’t let anything cause you to miss out on the awesomeness of God. It is simply not worth it. No temporary fun a person has is even close to the amazing reality of God.