Bible Chapter: I John 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.What is a real believer in Jesus? What is a real Christian? There are several signs and the answer can be long to these questions. This chapter starts out with the statement that love for God and obedience to His commands shows the genuineness of belief. Real faith is expressed in this way. Jesus died on the cross to empower us to real repentance and restoration of relationship with God. He did not die to enable us to keep on sinning. The commands of God are not burdensome, for they enable us to overcome the world. Believers overcome the world. This is good news that we can overcome the power and destruction of sin.
We can overcome because we have the assurance of, the promise of God that we have eternal life. Look at verse 12: “He who has the Son has life . . .” John wrote this letter so the recipients would know they have eternal life. Believers can live with the confidence they have eternal life and can live with the hope that Jesus is with them here and will take them to be with Him for eternity. This also gives faith to pray and believe God for His answers.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Two different parts in this chapter talk about overcoming sin and obeying God’s commandments. Obedience is a sign of real faith. John said that anyone who is born of God does not continue to sin. They don’t continue to actively life a sinful lifestyle. They are living in such a way as to obey and please God. This is what I must always strive to live. In saying “strive to live” I’m not saying this is an excuse to fail, but I’m simply striving towards the goal. While I, or any other believer, is not perfect, there should be clear evidence of the change Jesus has made and is continuing to make in life. Since I know I have eternal life, I must live like it is true.
3. How can I help someone?
This promise of the assurance of eternal life is missing in millions who attend church, or who have a membership in a church. I have talked with many who know about the Bible but don’t have the confidence of salvation. Some say that no one can really know they are saved. Others assume that, since they are not an axe murderer, they are ready for heaven. The common belief is that everyone who is not a horrible criminal goes to heaven. Belief in Jesus gives us the assurance of heaven. This is what I want people to know.