Bible Chapter: James 5
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Money, is it good or evil? Money is a topic close to the heart of the majority of people. James is not saying money is bad. It matters if the person controls money or if money controls the person. Money is a great tool to accomplish much good. It can also cause many problems. So, use money, manage money for God’s glory. Don’t live for money, live for God.
Another thought that comes in this chapter is to stick with it, persevere in life. There is a word my parents used to use, they probably made it up - sticktoitavness. It means a person will stick to the work, project, challenge they face and not quit. They will get it done. My computer’s spell checker is having a fit with this word, but it is a good concept for everyone. When things get tough, it is so easy to say “I quit”. Life is hard - I quit. The spiritual battle is getting tough - I quit. Things are difficult at work - I quit. We are reminded of Job. Everyone around him told him to give up. But, he persevered and in the end he won.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This chapter includes the great challenge to faith and prayer. I am finding that prayer and faith are critical ingredients in life. One of the ways I find them so important is the pressure I feel to abandon them. It is so easy to not pray and trust God. It is so easy to always look for other sources of provision. It is simple to try to do everything myself. But, here we are challenged to call for others to pray. Trust God and join with others of faith and believe God to answer. When we are weak, we are to reach out with other believers and trust God. The prayer of righteous people is powerful.
3. How can I help someone?
Always be ready to pray for people. Always be ready to believe for God to intervene. Help them see that sticking with the pursuit of life will always be worth it. There is a famous statement attributed to Winston Churchill - Never give up, Never give up, Never, Never, Never give up.