Bible Chapter: I Peter 3
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Since God is the Creator, since He made everything and then put people on the earth, He has always had a plan for how things should work. God made men and women and established that they would marry and have families. He designed specific roles for each one. While we appreciate physical beauty, the real beauty that God is looking for is inward. A gentle and quiet spirit - purity and reverence - are signs of true beauty. Some women who are very beautiful physically are ugly spiritually.
God calls for husbands to be considerate and respectful of their wives. This is so important to God that He says a man’s prayers can be hindered if he doesn’t treat his wife properly. They are to live in harmony with one another, being compassionate and humble. This is a good plan for strong families.
The Lord sees and hears all that is going on in life. He is against those who do evil. God is against evil because it goes against His righteous nature. Evil also is destructive to God’s highest creation - people. Lives are destroyed by the harmful influence of evil. This is why God hates it.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This chapter says that Jesus died once for the sins of all, the righteous for the unrighteous. Because He was put to death we can have life. I must apply that in my life by living with Jesus as my Lord. The sacrifice of Jesus was a complete fulfillment of the Father’s righteous judgement. Jesus took our punishment and it is available for all who will receive it. The cross completed the work of redemption. There is no need for any more sacrifice for sins. All who make Jesus their Lord have eternal life and will some day see Him.
I also want to be reminded of the verse that says I must treat my wife with consideration and respect, that my prayers won’t be hindered. No, I won’t do that simply to get something (answered prayers), but because it is the right thing to do and she is worthy of being treated that way. Men, take note of what this passage says.
3. How can I help someone?
Verse 15 tells me to set Jesus as Lord in my heart and always be ready to talk about the hope I have. I do have hope in Jesus. I do have His promise and assurance of eternal life. I can look forward to a grand reunion some day with family and friends who have gone before. I can look forward to entering in to the full presence of God. Live ready. That is what I strive to do.