Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bible Chapter: Acts 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Paul and Barnabas were continuing their first missionary trip, preaching and starting churches.  At Iconium a large number of Jews and Gentiles became believers.  Again, they ran into opposition and there was a conspiracy to mistreat and stone them.  When Paul and Barnabas discovered it, they went on to other cities.  Paul and Barnabas were seeing many miracles confirming their ministry.
    The miracles continued when they reached Lystra.  The crowds that saw the miracle began to worship Paul and Barnabas as gods.  When they realized what was happening they tried to stop them.  They said they were bringing the good news of the God who created everything, not trying to draw attention to themselves.  The crowds, who were so used to worshiping multiple gods, continued trying to make sacrifices to them.  Then agitators from other cities came and incited the crowd to stone Paul.  They left him for dead.  The believers gathered and prayed and Paul got up.  Paul had multiple experiences of coming close to death throughout his ministry.  He never let them stop him, he just went on.
    Paul and Barnabas continued traveling and preaching, eventually ending up back at Antioch.  They gave a report to the church that sent them out.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?

    The power of God enables believers to see supernatural miracles taking place.  God uses His divine power to show people who He really is.  Faith is important, as we see in the man healed at Lystra.  It says that Paul could see the man had faith for healing, and God did the rest as he stood in faith.
    The problems that Paul and Barnabas faced in their travels are faced by many today as well.  In the Fire Bible footnote it says: “In NT times God did not always protect his servants from harm.  This truth is inherent in the gospel and valid today as well; the kingdom of God advances at great cost to God’s servants.”  That is an important principle to remember.  It will not always be easy.  But, we must all continue to press on and never give up.  I must keep eternity in focus to help me keep going.

3.  How can I help someone?

    This section of the Bible, and specifically this section of the Book of Acts, gives much history of the beginning of the church.  It tells the stories of the power of God reaching out to people.  The more the power reached out, the more people who believed.  I need to continue to pray for people that God’s power will be reveled to them, that they will experience HIM.  Those who sense the reality of God are drawn to HIM.  I can do nothing better for anyone than to help them be drawn to Jesus.  He makes life new.