Friday, January 4, 2013

Bible Chapter: Acts 1

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Luke wrote the Gospel, telling the story of Jesus’ life and teaching.  Next he wrote the Book of Acts, the beginning history of the church.  An encouraging truth that jumps out is the statement that Jesus showed many convincing, infallible proofs of His resurrection.  There was no doubt that He really did come back to life.  He appeared to many over a period of forty days.  It was this convincing proof that caused many who saw Him to be willing to die for the faith.  If they thought it was all a hoax they would have given up when things got difficult.
    Jesus gathered with a group of believers and gave them one last statement.  They would not know the specifics of dates and times when He would return.  But, they were to wait for the promise, the gift of God’s power to enable them to do God’s work.  They were to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and then start spreading the message of the good news of Jesus.  This message must go to the ends of the earth.  This answers the question sometimes raised: why spend time, effort and resources on getting the message all around the world when there are so many people close by who still need Jesus.
    I can’t imagine the awe experienced by the group as Jesus said His final words and then was lifted up into a cloud and taken out of their sight.  What an amazing promise the angels gave - this same Jesus will come back.  That is our hope when we trust in Him.  Some day we will see Him face to face.
    Verse 14 is an encouragement and illustration of why they could do so much for Jesus.  They continued together with one accord in prayer.  Spiritual unity is a key to accomplishing the work God has given us to do.  There has always been, and always will be, a spiritual battle to get Christians fussing with one another.  We must reject that and vigilantly keep unity.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Verse 8 is a well known verse.  It says that we are to be witnesses of Jesus, of Who He is and all He has done.  People will only know about Jesus when someone tells them.  Again we see the impact of the spiritual battle because it seems so difficult to talk about Jesus, when we can talk about almost any other subject.  The power of the Spirit will enable us to speak of Jesus.  Jesus said that He is the way, truth and life.  He is the only route to the Father.  If noone tells about Jesus, how will people know.  I must continually be aware of the opportunities to tell of Jesus.  Tell of Jesus, not religious things.  There is a difference.
    Luke talked about the infallible proofs of Jesus’ resurrection.  God is still giving infallible proofs of His reality today.  I recently talked with someone who said they were excited to experience the presence of God, because they had never felt Him before.  They had no doubt that Jesus is real and with them.  I must continue to walk in His presence.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Anyone can sense the reality of Jesus.  He died for all.  Many doubt that they can really know Him beyond some generic faith that God exists because they have never felt Him.  I need to spread His presence in my world.