Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bible Chapter: Matthew 24

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    What is going to happen in the future?  That question has been asked millions of times down through the ages.  It has been asked countless times specifically regarding the end of the age and the events of eternity.  Just when will Jesus return?  Jesus was asked about the end times and He gave some answers in chapter 24.
    There will be various signs of the end of the age.  Many false prophets will come.  We see that today as many confused and confusing people are gathering followings.  Some have brought people to their death through extreme and strange teachings.  One way to avoid that is to become very familiar with the plain teachings of the Bible and reject anything “new”.  Become very, very familiar with the truth and the false will stick out.  The end of the age will bring wars, famines and earthquakes.  Another event we are seeing more often now is persecution of the followers of Jesus.  Many news stories have come out with people charged with an amazing list of crimes.  This are not only in foreign nations.  The foundation of all of the charges is that they believe in Jesus.  Jesus said that His followers would be hated, and that is happening.
    There will be an increase in wickedness and that is happening.  There was an advertisement on TV for a new show that was coming.  The last graphic was the words: “Let the sin begin”.  I am always amazed when people are proud of their sin.  This reminds me of the verse that pride goes before destruction.  Millions are on the path to destruction and are proud of it.
    We need to be aware that we do NOT know when Jesus will return.  He specifically said that we will be surprised when it happens.  This means we must live ready, for the unexpected return.  We can read the signs, but the Bible is very clear that God alone knows the exact time.

2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    Two will be working in the fields, one will be taken and the other left.  To be the one taken means I must be always ready, living ready.  While we must read the signs of the times, I must not live obsessed with the concept of the end.  I must live ready, work hard and faithfully for Jesus and help people prepare their own hearts.  I must be aware of the deceptions and reject them.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I’m reminded of an old song that says we are to work for the night is coming, when our work is over.  I need to work for Jesus so that others hear the truths.  I need to help people come to know HIM.