Bible Chapter: Genesis 49
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Possibly one of the most ignored truths in life is that the choices we make will influence not only our own lives but the lives of future generations. In this chapter Jacob brought his sons together to speak blessings on them. Sadly, for some of them, instead of blessings, they heard curses that would impact the future. For example, because Reuben was the firstborn, he should have received the greatest blessing. But, because of his sexual sin he lost out. He probably thought that event was fun. Sadly, it cost him a great deal.
A person’s actions are important. Our modern culture is more and more saying that a person can do anything they want and there are no consequences. Freedom is defined as having no restrictions at all. There used to be a popular expression that says, “if it feels good, do it”. While I have not heard anyone say that in a long time, our world is living that thought. People are becoming adamant that they have the right to do anything they want. Governments are passing laws protecting these “rights” to do sinful things. Anyone who interferes with that “right” becomes the enemy and must be restricted or eliminated. But the truth is that blessings and curses come based on obedience to God’s Word, not the laws passed by a legislature.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God has ruled and reigned forever. He will always reign and those who think they can ignore God are in for a sad surprise. Doing what is right will always bring the best results in the long run. In the mean time, the battle can get intense. Do I quit because the battle is hard? No, I keep pressing on. Jacob spoke into the lives of his sons. The blessings and curses came from Godly principles based on their lives and actions. God speaks into the lives of His children. The results will come from our submission to Him. The Bible says God requires His stewards, his servants to be faithful. Faithful obedience is one of the highest goals to achieve.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see what is going on in our world. The deception is overwhelming. People are believing lies that give them permission to pursue any entertainment or action they think is fun. They are not seeing the spiritual bondage and destruction that will result. People need to see God’s truth. They need to see this truth sets them free.