Bible Chapter: Exodus 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Here we see the birth of Moses. The children of Israel were in a horrible situation. They had been made slaves. Pharaoh had ordered all of the boys who were born to be killed. There was one boy whose parents hid him and that was Moses. God directed the daughter of Pharaoh to find him along the river, and she had compassion on him. Moses was raised as her son.
Even people who have God’s hand on their lives can make a mess of things. Moses let his tempter get in the way and he had to flee for his life. He ended up gong to the land of the Midianites. They were descendants of Abraham and his second wife, Keturah. He married Zipporah and stayed there forty years. Throughout all these years God’s pan was coming together for Moses. The Israelites were crying out to God for deliverance. God was preparing the one who would led them to freedom.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When everything looks bad, don’t give up on God. He has His plans. He can work in the hearts of even the most stubborn person. This chapter ends with the thought that God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He began the process of deliverance. God has promised to never abandon His children. It seems a strange thing to do, to place a baby in a small boat and float him in the river. But, Moses’ mother was directed by God. Learning to hear from God is an important step to fulfill God’s plan.
3. How can I help someone?
Where do people turn for help? It appears that many of the Israelites had been serving the gods of Egypt. It was when they turned from that and sought the true God that they received deliverance. I want to help people see and seek the Creator God, the One who made everything. When they do that they will find God’s help and direction in life.