Bible Chapter: Exodus 7
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.There are people who have a heart that is hard and rebellious against God. They are so stubborn that, no matter what they face, they refuse to submit to Him. I am amazed when I see that. Life is so hard for those who live for themselves and reject the love of God. To me it is obvious that there is real hope and deliverance in Jesus, and yet the majority don’t see it or refuse to let God change them. Pharaoh was a very hard and proud person. He thought he was the highest power and no one could touch him. So, even though there were plagues coming against him, he continued to reject what God was doing to get his attention.
This chapter shows us that evil forces have power beyond human abilities. It also shows us that God’s power is greater then the evil forces. God can do anything He decides to do. It was no problem to turn the Nile River into blood. The Creator God can easily do more than all the powers of evil.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I live in a time when amazing things happen. Technology is advancing faster than any one person can follow. Things that were impossible when I was a boy are now commonplace. I can talk to almost any place in the world and see the person I am talking with. Medical advances are saving thousands of lives. Transportation is such that in eight hours I can be in Europe. Nothing seems to hold us back. And yet, with all these advances, I must be reminded that many things cannot be accomplished by our own wisdom and creativity. I must continually trust God. I must rely on His supernatural power for daily life. We cannot make it without HIM.
3. How can I help someone?
People today rely on our technology and think we are so smart. Many believe that we are smarter than any previous generation, so we can handle things. We are no smarter than any era, we just have the accumulated knowledge and are building on that foundation. We are just as dependant on God as any generation. I want to help people see that we must rely on God. This live is not all there is. There is eternity, and only by coming to God His way will we have the hope of a wonderful eternal life.