Bible Chapter: Exodus 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.A very interesting phrase comes from this story of the plagues. The phrase is a hard heart. It means a person who is stubborn and resistant to what God says and does. The person with a hard heart is so obstinate that they don’t care what kind of problems or consequences come from their actions, they refuse to give in to God. This is a good description of the Pharaoh in the story. As I read this I can’t imagine the horrible situations that came upon the whole land. Yet, this unregenerate leader insisted on doing things his way. The plague of frogs is amazing. Once the plague stopped the dead frogs were still there. They cleaned them up into piles and the whole land reeked with dead frogs. That didn’t keep the pharaoh from refusing to let the people go.
We do see the magicians finally acknowledged the fact that God was greater than they were. They recognized that God has more power. That still wasn’t enough for the release of the slaves. Pride is a destructive thing.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
A good lesson to learn is the pride of a person going against God. People get something in their minds and they get so hardheaded that no obvious evidence makes any impact. They still insist on doing things their way. I see this more and more in the modern world. The culture is setting itself up for doom and failure. It is setting up the world for God’s judgement. When people point out the fact that many things commonly accepted today are against God’s law, they are mocked and ridiculed. I want to stick with God’s way, it always works better.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the short and long term impact of obedience to God. Doing things His way works. This chapter deals with the destruction of pride. I want to help people have a proper understanding of pride and how to best apply it in life.