Saturday, November 28, 2015

Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 49 & 50

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
We see here the future destruction of many peoples because of their sins.  Looking through these chapters we see that some of their sins were idolatry (worshiping false gods in place of the one true God), pride, intense hatred of Israel and trust in riches.  There was over confidence. They thought that because of their fortified dwellings, they could not be overcome. We see their arrogance and overconfidence. They didn’t think they needed to rely on God.  They had their own gods.  But those false gods failed them.
Babylon was recognized as the greatest world power at that time, but Jeremiah predicted its downfall.  Even though God had used the nation to fulfill His plans, Babylon resisted the Lord and was proud.  God’s plan was that this nation would be humiliated.  Pride and rejection of God’s laws is revolting to God and He will judge those who live this way.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Who or what do I let influence my life?  Because of the proliferation of influences in the modern world, it is more challenging than ever to be cautious about influences.  It is impossible to keep up with all the voices clamoring for my attention.  I must be cautious and specific about what I read and see and listen to.  I must sort out the bad and let God’s Word be the standard for measuring all thoughts and actions.  Or, it will be easy to let the strange voices control just as we read in these chapters.  Those strange voices pulled many away from serving God.

3.  How can I help someone?
What is most important in life?  How do you determine who will have influence?  I want to help people face these questions and find eternal answers.  We must be careful where we are headed, for eternity is a really long time.