Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 13 & 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Pride is a very destructive force. People think they can do anything they want. The nation was being wicked in refusing to listen to God, but stubbornly followed their own desires.  They had become good for nothing.  God created the nation to cling to Him, to be His pride and joy.  But, they refused to listen. God called on the people to listen, quit being arrogant and give the glory to God before it was too late. Terrible things were coming (but they didn’t want to accept this as a possibility).  And, when they asked why all this was happening, God would reply that it was because of their many sins. Their false gods could not and did not help them. God had observed their disgusting idol worship, so that sorrow was coming to them.
    The people couldn’t figure out why God had abandoned them.  The answer is found in the fact that they loved to wander far from God and have no restraint of themselves.  They had prophets who were telling them lies.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    One part of this passage that jumps out to me is the statement that they had prophets who were telling lies in God’s name.  He had not sent them or told them to speak. He did not give them any messages. But, they spoke the foolishness they made up in their own lying hearts.  This is very true today as well. There are countless so-called prophets (or pastors or preachers) who are speaking lies.  They tell the world so many things that God has nothing to do with, and yet they proclaim their lies as coming from God.  They are changing God’s unchangeable moral laws. They are saying that there are many ways to come to God.  They are twisting the truths of God’s love, saying that love requires acceptance of sin. They are saying the Bible is not relevant today.  They are perverting God’s truths and countless people are grasping the filth they spew out.  I must be careful to continue to study the Bible and continue to apply the real message it gives.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Read and study the Bible and see what it really says.  Don’t try to create new interpretations. Don’t get caught up in the rush to make it say whatever pleases you.  Let the true message change you to who God desires you to be.  You will never regret it.