Monday, January 19, 2015

Bible Chapter: Proverbs 31

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Can you find a wife of noble character? She is worth far more than expensive jewels. From the very beginning, God has given us the family that is created when a man and woman get married. Throughout the Bible we see this truth reemphasized and see the importance of founding the home on Biblical truths and principles. This starts when a godly man and woman make the commitment before God in marriage. We see here that a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. This godly woman will do good for her husband and not evil. She is not lazy but is loving and caring for her family. Her family will rise up and call her blessed. A godly woman is a great gift from God. Wives need to seek God and grow in their relationship with him. Godly wives make the world a better place.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    I am thankful for my mother was a godly and faithful wife to my father for 60 years. When my father passed away, it was a great loss to my mother who missed him for the rest of her life. I am thankful for my wife is a faithful companion and mother to our children. Now she is also a loving grandmother. I want to always express my thankfulness for a godly wife.

3.  How can I help someone?
    To men who are not married but want to find a wife, I say that you need to seek to become as godly as you possibly can be. Then seek God’s direction and look for a godly woman.  Be a godly gentlemen and treat women with respect and kindness. To men who are married, I say the same thing and that you need to become as godly as you possibly can be. Then show a strong and godly love to your wife.
    To women want to be married. Seek God to grow in your personal godliness and maturity. Only give godly men the possibility of becoming your husband. Don’t be desperate. You will never find true relational satisfaction if you compromise and marry an ungodly man. To married women, I remind you that the Bible tells you to respect your husband. If you honor him in a godly way, you will help to make a very strong home and marriage.