Monday, January 12, 2015

Bible Chapter: Proverbs 13 & 14

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    Do you pay attention to what you say?  Do you think about the impact of what you say?  We are challenged to guard our lips because this guards our life.  Rash speaking brings ruin.  Many people have destroyed their lives by letting their mouths run without any control.  People have lost their jobs and friends by careless speaking.
    Another powerful thought.  Righteousness guards the person with integrity.  This includes honesty.  Righteousness and integrity love honesty. Wickedness overthrows the sinner.  Evil controls people and they end up dong so many horrible things.  Life has been destroyed for so many people by allowing sinful things to take over their lives.  The sin controls and tricks the person into thinking that they are controlling their own lives.  It’s a lie.
    Parental love requires that they discipline their children.  It says here that to not properly discipline a child means that the parent hates their child.  Real love is shown in proper discipline.  The child doesn’t like it, but it makes their life better.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    A very powerful verse that says there are ways that seem right to a person, but in the end they lead to death.  Our human thinking is a very poor foundation for deciding what is right or wrong, but pride says that we are so smart that we have everything figured out.  The Bible, God’s revealed Word, is the only foundation for making critical decisions.  Standards for ethical practices must come from what God says.  A major reason for the mess in the world is that so many people think they are more intelligent and have better insights to life than God.  I must always seek to find what the Bible says and then apply it in life.

3.  How can I help someone?
    These chapters are filled with so many good nuggets of truth.  I want to help people grasp them all and apply them in life.  For example, the truth that it is hard work that brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty.  Let’s all dig in to the Bible and find the truths that will make the difference.