Bible Chapter: Ecclesiastes 11 & 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Don’t sit around waiting for everything to be perfect, because it probably won’t be. If a farmer were to wait for perfect weather, he would never plant crop or harvest one either. So, plant your crop and stay busy. Do the work you need to do and trust God to provide. Outside of serving God, life has no real meaning.
This author has been very successful in life. He was wealthy beyond imagination and took advantage of every comfort that was available to him at the time. Many people were jealous of what he had. At the conclusion of his life of seeking meaning and satisfaction, his final words in this book are this: remember your creator in the days of your youth. Don’t waste your youth. It is often very hard for young people to see the future and realize the extreme importance of serving God. But we are challenged here to serve God and not waste the energy of youth on sinful or shallow things that have no real meaning. Outside of serving God the only conclusion to life is what this author said, all is vanity.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
What was the conclusion of the whole matter? Fear God and keep His commandments. Everyone who grasps this truth and applies it will receive the blessings and benefits that come to life. It is important to remember that God will bring all of our work into judgment. This includes every secret thing that we do, thinking that no one knows. It may be good or evil, but God is aware and keeps a record of life. So, it is vital that I fear God and keep His commandments.
3. How can I help someone?
This very wise author learned the lesson that trying to live life in our own strength and wisdom will lead to failure. His conclusion that submission to God in obedience to His word is the best life, will be a benefit to all who apply it.
Bible Chapter: Ecclesiastes 9 & 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Whatever you do, do it the best you can. It is only in this life that we can work and accomplish things or gain wisdom. Don’t waste your time not accomplishing important things in life. Do your best because none of us knows what will come in the future. We cannot predict hard times when sudden tragedy will come.
There are some very interesting illustrations given in the Bible. Here we are told that dead flies can cause a bottle of perfume to stink. One may wonder about the spiritual application of that. We find the application in the rest of the verse where it tells us that even a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honor. There are many verses in the Bible that talk about wisdom and the importance of it. There are also many verses that tell us of the destruction of foolish decisions that destroy all the hard work a person may have done. Wise people learn to take the right road in life and fools will go down any old path that seems fun or easy.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This book talks about wisdom and doing a good job when you work. The issue is not always working harder, but learning to work smarter. We are told that using a dull ax requires great strength. So, stop and sharpen the blade. Wisdom helps to bring success to the work that a person does. A wise person is anxious to learn from others with experience and knowledge to apply what they will share in their own lives. A wise person will not allow his words to destroy himself. Many a foolish person has been hurt by talking without thinking.
3. How can I help someone?
Be serious about life. This does not mean that we cannot enjoy life and have good families and friends. But we must not make having fun the main goal. God has made us all eternal beings and we must keep an eternal focus in all we do so that someday we can stand before the Lord and He will say that we have done well and have been a faithful servant to Him.
Bible Chapter: Ecclesiastes 7 & 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. This is a very important insight. Not enough people these days worry about their reputation. They do many foolish things that can hurt them and have a negative impact on their lives. Another important lesson is something that most people would rather avoid. We are told that sorrow is better than laughter. The lesson of these verses tells us about the learning and refining impact sorrow has on us. We often learn more through the challenges of life than when everything is going well.
One of the verses says that the wicked will not prosper because they do not fear the Lord. Some may try to contradict that statement by pointing to wicked people who are very wealthy. Prospering does not always mean money, and we must also remember eternity. The very short time we live here on earth compared to eternity is really nothing. Those who fear God will always be better off.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
One of the words of advice in these chapters tells the reader to control your temper. It is very easy to get angry at things that happen in life. There are so many evil and destructive things that happen and, on the surface, it often appears that people are getting away with really disgusting things. There is so much lying and deception that goes on and I am often amazed that people can’t see what is really happening. It is important to not let these kinds of things be the controlling factor or it is very easy to get angry and very negative.
3. How can I help someone?
These two chapters contain many excellent pieces of advice. My encouragement is that people will carefully read them and think about how they can make life more meaningful. Seek wisdom that comes from God.
Bible Chapter: Ecclesiastes 5 & 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Here is some very good advice. Come to God’s house with reverence and respect. Don’t think it is a casual thing to come to God. Worship God because He is so worthy. Tied in with this advice is something that is important for both being in God’s presence and life in general: keep your ears open and your mouth shut. That seems so hard for people to do. It seems more fun to talk and make others listen to our volumes of wisdom. Someone said: God gave us two ears and one mouth. He must expect us to listen twice as much as we talk. An interesting thought.
I love the insight given about money. If you love it, you will never have enough. It is a joke to think that simply having lots of money will really bring your happiness. And then there is this amazing perception. The more money you have the more people will come to help you spend it. You will only watch it slip through your fingers.
Some people work hard to accumulate things and then they don’t live long enough to enjoy them. Someone else gets that pleasure. But, even living a long life doesn’t guarantee a satisfied life.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Throughout this book we see the contradictions between what is commonly believed by many that the accumulation of things will make life worthwhile with the revelation of God’s Word that life really is about eternity and knowing God. There is always something that appears desirable. Will that one more ______________ (fill in the blank) really make me happy? I need to be continually aware that the issues of life that matter are related to God. This issues of family and doing what pleases God are what matter.
3. How can I help someone?
God made us eternal beings. He made us with a desire for the best (by the way, the best is God). He wants to give us understanding about what is really valuable and what will last. Let God work in your heart to grasp His eternal truths.
Bible Chapter: Ecclesiastes 3 & 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Life is filled with seasons that start and end. Seasons come and go and we have no control over them. God controls the seasons and knows what He is doing. One of the things God did was to plant eternity in our hearts. We have a natural desire for God and eternity. We have a natural understanding that there is more than only what we see here. The human race longs for that. We long to know the eternal God. At the same time we see evil in the world. We live and die. God has given a gift to people that they can enjoy life with His help.
Another observation came to the author. He saw all the oppression on the earth. There are powerful people who abuse their authority and make life miserable for many. So, it seemed better to be dead. That is really a lie from the enemy of our souls. So many people chase the wind of success out of jealousy. Another observation was the hard work that many put into life, but they have no one to share it with. It’s better to not be alone.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is true that life is filled with seasons and it is so easy to get caught up in the rush to gain more things. If someone has something nice, the human instinct seems to be to try to get one for myself. But, instead of simply seeking more stuff, I need to see his observation of the value of being with others, of having friends. A threefold cord is not quickly broken. As strength is woven into strength, the result is much more than the sum of the parts. What is more valuable for me is not only more stuff, but developing good relationships with others that we can live and face life together. We help each other. Friends are a great gift.
3. How can I help someone?
We have no control over many things. The seasons come and go. We can’t change that. We can put our trust in God and ask Him to be with us whatever comes our way.
Bible Chapter: Ecclesiastes 1 & 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
What a way to start out this book. Everything is worthless. All is vanity. What do you get for all your hard work? The sun rises and falls and the wind blows. Everything is wearisome beyond description. We can’t be satisfied. There is nothing new, we have heard all of this before. The writer devoted himself to find wisdom and he observed all he could. It was all meaningless.
He decided to pursue pleasure, for the “good life”. That was meaningless. He sought major material possessions, homes and gardens and large herds and flocks. He had more gold and silver than could be counted. He got anything he wanted. And his conclusion is that it was all meaningless, like chasing the wind. All of this was done with human effort and didn’t include God in the picture.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I see some interesting insights here. It appears that the writer has come to the conclusion that life has no meaning. The key here is that life has no meaning apart from God and what He will do in our lives. Life seems to always be the same, and it can become dreary. I can seek pleasure and wisdom. But, the conclusion is that, apart from God, none of it has meaning. God blesses us with food and the ability to gain wisdom. With Him we find meaning and purpose in life.
3. How can I help someone?
It is easy to get caught up in the wild rush for more things, or power, or popularity or . . . . The important thing is to learn where the purpose and meaning for life is found. All of the things we seek that seem so important will one day let us down. God will never let us down. We find meaning in and through God.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 31
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Can you find a wife of noble character? She is worth far more than expensive jewels. From the very beginning, God has given us the family that is created when a man and woman get married. Throughout the Bible we see this truth reemphasized and see the importance of founding the home on Biblical truths and principles. This starts when a godly man and woman make the commitment before God in marriage. We see here that a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. This godly woman will do good for her husband and not evil. She is not lazy but is loving and caring for her family. Her family will rise up and call her blessed. A godly woman is a great gift from God. Wives need to seek God and grow in their relationship with him. Godly wives make the world a better place.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I am thankful for my mother was a godly and faithful wife to my father for 60 years. When my father passed away, it was a great loss to my mother who missed him for the rest of her life. I am thankful for my wife is a faithful companion and mother to our children. Now she is also a loving grandmother. I want to always express my thankfulness for a godly wife.
3. How can I help someone?
To men who are not married but want to find a wife, I say that you need to seek to become as godly as you possibly can be. Then seek God’s direction and look for a godly woman. Be a godly gentlemen and treat women with respect and kindness. To men who are married, I say the same thing and that you need to become as godly as you possibly can be. Then show a strong and godly love to your wife.
To women want to be married. Seek God to grow in your personal godliness and maturity. Only give godly men the possibility of becoming your husband. Don’t be desperate. You will never find true relational satisfaction if you compromise and marry an ungodly man. To married women, I remind you that the Bible tells you to respect your husband. If you honor him in a godly way, you will help to make a very strong home and marriage.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 29 & 30
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Correction and discipline give wisdom to a child. The child left to himself brings shame. We are told here that parents must properly discipline their children. We are also told that when there is no clear revelation and declaration of God’s word to understand His standards for life, people will lose their biblical convictions and cast off all restraints. God’s truths must continually be kept before people, or they will drift away to lives of sin and destruction. Then wickedness will be multiplied and transgressions against God’s plan will increase. The safest place to be is to live in the fear of the Lord.
Righteousness and wickedness are complete opposites. This may seem obvious, yet to many there is not a clear contradiction. We are told that an unjust man is an abomination to a just man, and an upright man is an abomination to a wicked man. We must not be drawn into compromising truth to accommodate wickedness. Good and evil do not mix.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I have often wondered how and why various things work. I am amazed that people can take raw materials and create the products that they do. Here we see the author’s expression of things that he can’t understand. How can an eagle soar in the wind? How can a serpent move along a rock? How does a ship moved through the seas? If this book was being written today, it might also include some questions about technology and how so many modern inventions work. I have come to the conclusion that all of these things work because God has created laws of science and nature make them work. He has also revealed many of these truths to people so they can create things that make our existence possible. I need to keep trusting God and thanking Him for all the things He has shown.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to encourage people to keep going through all these amazing principles in this book. It is called a book of wisdom and truly God’s eternal wisdom is shown over and over again.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 27 & 28
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Proverbs 27:17 is a very practical verse. How does a strong item like iron get sharpened? By being rubbed hard against another piece of iron. It is sharpened by harsh action of having the rough edges taken away by something harder. A person has a good sharp knife because the knife is honed on a sharpening stone. That means that parts of the knife are taken away to leave a sharp edge. A good friend sharpens in the life of another. We must learn from others who can give us insight into the things that must improve or change in our lives. Regular and faithful contact with a godly person who will speak honestly to us will make our lives better.
When wicked people rise to power, it brings fear in the hearts of people and they want to hide from them. When wickedness perishes, the righteous increase. Power and authority are very dangerous in the wrong hands. Many lives have been destroyed because a wicked person gains power.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
We are told that instead of fleeing, that a righteous person is bold. Learning a proper biblical boldness to stand for righteousness is an important concept to acquire. The goal of evil is to steal, kill and destroy. I need to know God’s ways to bring life and hope, and then step forward in His boldness to bring them to people.
3. How can I help someone?
One of these verses tells us that evil people do not understand judgment. The world seems to put an emphasis on letting people get away with things, instead of understanding the purpose and benefit of righteous judgment. I want to help people understand that, because He is righteous, God judges sin. The good news is that, because God is loving and merciful, He forgives sin when people repent.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 25 & 26
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
As I read through Proverbs, I find many very interesting statements. One of them is “Don’t visit your neighbors too often, or you will wear out your welcome”. Another translation says to withdraw your foot from your neighbor’s house, lest he be weary of you. I see the principle here of being a good friend but not trying to take advantage of people. I have seen people drive their friends and family away because they became so needy. This is a good practical concept to apply.
One interesting way to gain the attention of an enemy is to give him food when he is hungry. It says that in doing so we will heap coals of fire upon his head. This doesn’t mean that he becomes injured, but that it will bring shame to his heart to see how you treat him in such a kind way that he would never do for you. God’s goal in this is that it will cause the person to be brought to the Lord.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
If there is no wood to fuel a fire, the fire will go out. So, when gossip stops, then strife and arguments will cease. When coal or wood is added to a fire, the fire grows. If a person is contentious, they continue to kindle strife. There are times when the best thing to do is for a person to be quiet and quit trying to win the argument. I believe that at least part of the application here is to be willing to let problems cease by being careful not to be contentious and telling stories about people. We can wound people with our words.
3. How can I help someone?
One verse here tells us that flattery leads to ruin. It is important to learn the balance between good compliments and flattery. Learn to accept good compliments and reject that which comes across as flattery.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 23 & 34
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
There are many different ways that people can cheat. We see here in a verse that commands that people will not remove an old landmark or tried to steal other people’s land. This specifically talks about the fields of the fatherless. We see throughout the Bible God’s concern for people who lose their parents. God cares for them and wants to provide for them. We are also told here to not envy sinners. Envy can easily lead people to cheat and to steal. We see that parents rejoice when their children are righteous. So it is important that we learn to be honest and ethical in how we treat people.
It is very easy to get concerned because of what people do. But we are told to fret not because of what evil people do, or to be envious of them. Because, there will be no reward for the wicked and their influence will be put out. While it seems that evil people are prospering, we must always remember that in the light of eternity, God will be the righteous judge.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
We do need rest. In the Bible talks about the fact that God gives sleep to His people. We are also reminded here that putting the emphasis on sleep will lead to poverty. We see the importance of work and the necessity of rejecting being lazy. Note to self: always keep the right balance between work and rest. Don’t allow yourself to be burned out, but don’t allow that to become an excuse for laziness.
3. How can I help someone?
Advancement in life is not found by playing political or influence games. Some think that if they can only make the right connections with important people, then they will climb the ladder of success. Yes, it is important to know people, but you need to get to know them as a person and not seek to manipulate them because of their position.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 21 & 22
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
If you talk with most people, they will probably be adamant that the things they are doing our right. There are people who will admit that they do wrong things, but then they will quickly justify their actions and make excuse for what they know they should not do. So that seems like, even though they are admitting doing things wrong, they are still saying that they are right because they come up with an excuse. We are told here that every way of a man is right in his own eyes. But then we are told that the Lord ponders the heart. God sees our hearts and knows our motivation. To God, what is in our heart, is vitally important.
Especially in our modern world, pleasure is vitally important. People want to have fun and will spend huge amounts of their resources to have a good time. But we are told here that the one who loves pleasure will be poor. Some people are financially poor because of the amount of money they spend on pleasure. Some people are relationally poor because they put all the emphasis only on fun, and not developing positive and strong relationships with other people.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
There is another passage that talks about the importance of training children. Some people seem to think that children will just grow up and automatically know everything they should, and then they will do what they should. That is simply not true. When we look at all the verses that talk about the heart without Jesus, we know that people are not naturally good and caring. If children do not learn right and wrong by being taught what is right and wrong, if they do not learn respect for others and how to get along, they will grow up and only have many, many problems. My parents understood the importance of proper training. My wife and I also understood that as we raised our children. I will continue to encourage people to raise their children with proper discipline and sharing the love of the Lord with them.
3. How can I help someone?
One of the verses here talks about the blessings of being generous. God’s economy functions well and flourishes as people are generous with the resources God has given to them. As we learn the blessings of generosity, we will see God’s provision in our lives.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 19 & 20
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
There are several verses to talk about the importance of integrity and honesty. We are told that it is better to be poor and walking integrity. We also see that a false witness will not go unpunished, the liar will not escape. Another verse repeats that theme by saying that the liar will perish. This shows us again strong theme in the Bible where God has an emphasis on honesty. Honesty brings blessings.
Another theme that comes up shows God’s concern for the poor. The one who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord. God is concerned with them and will reward those who help the poor, as it says that God will pay that person back again. God cares that all people are taken care of.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
One of the verses in these chapters talks about wine and strong drink. It says that wine is a marker and strong drink is a brawler. It is true that much violence is the result of drinking. The theme of drinking alcoholic beverages is coming up more and more these days. It has been a tradition that born-again believers in the Lord do not drink alcoholic beverages. Many are asking the question today “can a Christian drink?” I believe that is the wrong question to ask. The right question is “should a Christian drink”. Verses like 20:1 answer that question clearly. There is so much destruction that comes from drinking that the few perceived benefits are not worth it. This verse talks about people being deceived. In my life I have seen countless people whose lives have been destroyed by the deception of thinking that drinking alcohol is no big issue. I have practiced and will continue to practice staying away from alcoholic beverages. The risk is just not worth it.
3. How can I help someone?
One of the verses in these chapters says that the fear of the Lord tends to life and whoever has it will live satisfied. That is great advice and great help for anyone. I want to encourage everyone to live in the fear of the Lord and receive the blessings that come serving Him.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 17 & 18
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
One of the best-known proverbs talks about a cheerful heart. It says that it is good medicine. When we get sick, if there is a medicine that fixes the problem and makes us feeling well and healthy, that is a good thing. A cheerful heart is good medicine. When we fill our lives with the joy of the Lord, we are better off. The opposite is also truth, a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. One translation says that it dries up the bones. It is too easy to let our hearts become filled with dependancy and discouragement. Then everything seems to be bad and life becomes difficult to live.
What should you do if you get overwhelmed? Run to the Lord. The name of the Lord is a strong tower where we are safe. Lord, I come to you and rest in you. I honor you. I praise and follow you. Lord, I’m staying close to you. It is amazing the things that the Lord will do when we run to Him.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
There is a very encouraging verse for those who are afraid to make the commitment to marriage these days. I am amazed at all who are afraid to do this. We are told here that he who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord. I have been blessed with my wife for over 40 years. It really is a good thing to be in a strong marriage. I am reminded of that often and am very happy to be married to Andrea. This makes my life better. I do all I can to make it happy. One translation says that he who finds a wife finds a treasure. I treasure my treasure.
3. How can I help someone?
Keep digging. I used to live in a city that had a history of mining. Many people in the past became very successful because of it. But, they almost missed it. The history is told that the people digging the mine were running out of money to continue. They decided to quit after the day, but said they would keep digging for the rest of the day. It was in the last few hours that they struck the vein of minerals that would make them rich. If they had given up, they would have missed out on so much. So, keep digging in God’s Word and see the great treasures you will find.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 15 & 16
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
A gentle answer, a soft answer turns away wrath. Many arguments have started because someone said a sarcastic or cutting remark. People get hurt and they get defensive. This causes them to try to get revenge. Then the argument starts. It can lead to physical violence or other destructive behavior. Harsh words stir up anger. The solution? Be careful with what you say.
On a similar note, a verse says that a discerning heart seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly. A heart that is in tune with God’s Word and His ways seeks to know more truth. People who let their mouths run delight on worthless things. The mouth of a fool is probably connected to a foolish heart.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Wisdom and understanding are more important than gold and silver. The human reasoning that is so common doesn’t always accept that. We think that if we lots of money that all our problems will be gone. But, I see many famous and wealthy people doing really dumb things. They spend lavishly on things that don’t really have value and show off their opulent lifestyle. What are they really accomplishing? Not much that really matters or will positively impact life and eternity. They need to study the verse that says pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Note to self: be sure to apply these important eternal principles.
3. How can I help someone?
Pride destroys so many people. I want to help people see the proper balance between a good pride that helps them accomplish positive eternal things and a foolish pride that exalts them and eventually leads to their destruction.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 13 & 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Do you pay attention to what you say? Do you think about the impact of what you say? We are challenged to guard our lips because this guards our life. Rash speaking brings ruin. Many people have destroyed their lives by letting their mouths run without any control. People have lost their jobs and friends by careless speaking.
Another powerful thought. Righteousness guards the person with integrity. This includes honesty. Righteousness and integrity love honesty. Wickedness overthrows the sinner. Evil controls people and they end up dong so many horrible things. Life has been destroyed for so many people by allowing sinful things to take over their lives. The sin controls and tricks the person into thinking that they are controlling their own lives. It’s a lie.
Parental love requires that they discipline their children. It says here that to not properly discipline a child means that the parent hates their child. Real love is shown in proper discipline. The child doesn’t like it, but it makes their life better.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
A very powerful verse that says there are ways that seem right to a person, but in the end they lead to death. Our human thinking is a very poor foundation for deciding what is right or wrong, but pride says that we are so smart that we have everything figured out. The Bible, God’s revealed Word, is the only foundation for making critical decisions. Standards for ethical practices must come from what God says. A major reason for the mess in the world is that so many people think they are more intelligent and have better insights to life than God. I must always seek to find what the Bible says and then apply it in life.
3. How can I help someone?
These chapters are filled with so many good nuggets of truth. I want to help people grasp them all and apply them in life. For example, the truth that it is hard work that brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty. Let’s all dig in to the Bible and find the truths that will make the difference.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 11 & 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Many people question the value of honesty. They say that it is not possible to be successful in the world without cheating from time to time. But here we see that God hates cheating and LOVES honesty. This shows us that the issues of honesty and integrity are not simply a personal choice, but part of the nature of God. Wicked people are brought down by their own wickedness. Righteousness rescues and wickedness destroys.
God has a totally different perspective and economy than human thinking. One man gives freely and then gains even more. Human logic says that the way to accumulate is to hoard and keep everything you can. God says that generosity brings prosperity. And, to God, prosperity is not limited to material riches.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Picking out a few thoughts from all these great proverbs is a challenge. One thought comes from 12:15 that tells us a fool always thinks he is right, but a wise person will listen to advice. Learning to listen to people who can help through their experiences and insights is a very important part of growing in life. Be willing to listen and learn. Don’t only look for someone to be a “yes man” to say everything you do is perfect. That is like the boss who plays golf with his employees and has to win every game or the employees are in trouble. This is a good lesson because no one knows everything and no one is perfect.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to encourage people to seek out the great insights of life that are found in the Bible. This takes lots of reading and digging, but it is always worth it. Along with the major teachings of righteousness and truth are many nuggets that fill in the cracks of life to make life so much better. Keep digging and reading for all that God has revealed in his word.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 9 & 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Are you willing to learn? Wisdom is calling out to you to help you grow in the important areas of life. Wisdom is calling out for you to leave your simple ways of life to walk in the ways of understanding. Wise people are willing to learn and that makes all the difference. Wisdom brings its own rewards. Folly is undisciplined and mocks people.
Wise children bring joy to their parents, but foolish children bring them grief. Wise people realize that anything they get through dishonest means has no value. They realize that laziness tends to poverty. A wise person goes out during harvest and gathers the provision that they have worked for.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Proverbs 10:9 tells us that people with integrity walk securely, but those who take crooked paths will slip and fall and be found out. This is a powerful verse for life. Learning to walk with integrity will cause a person to do well in life. This does not mean that they will be rich and famous, but that their value and accomplishments will have a positive impact on society. People who try to do things they have to hide will eventually be found out. We see this over and over again as some well-known person is exposed to be a cheat and a scoundrel. This always leads to great sadness and the realization they are paying a very high price for their lack of integrity.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people evaluate the choices they make in life and to help them see that every choice has both a cost and a result. Even though good choices have a cost, they have a good result that is worth the cost. Poor choices always result in something that is not worth the cost, but they lead to many regrets.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 7 & 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Children, store up the commands of your parents. Write them on your heart and bind them to you. Keep the commandments and you will live. Temptation is a smooth talker and will trap you with lies. It will look so desirable and satisfying. The truth is that it will destroy you. Stay away from places where you know the tempter will be. Following the tempter is like an ox going to the slaughter. Listen and don’t let the temptress turn you away and be one of her victims.
Speak truth and detest wickedness. Let only just words come out of your mouth. The instructions and knowledge we receive are more valuable than silver and gold. Wisdom is what we must seek after. Fear the Lord and hate evil, pride and arrogance.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Wisdom, real wisdom, Godly wisdom makes all the difference in the world. It turns life around. So many people do stupid things and destroy their lives. True wisdom guides a person and keeps him/her on the right path. Wisdom goes beyond learning and head knowledge to know what is right and how to apply God’s truths. Seek wisdom. Learn it from the Bible and from Godly people with experience in life. Gather wisdom and don’t ignore it. Finding wisdom helps a person find real life.
3. How can I help someone?
Get as much godly wisdom as I can and share it. Help people to see the difference between Godly wisdom and the foolishness of the world that masquerades as wisdom.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 5 & 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
How many parents have pleaded with their sons to listen to their instructions. They have pleaded for them to listen and not turn aside from what they say. We find here pleading to listen to them regarding the importance of living a faithful and moral life. The adulteress may be very tempting and beautiful, but she will only lead you to destruction. So, stay faithful and be only drawn to your own wife. And, the instructions go on. Don’t be involved in anything foolish, but learn the importance of hard work. Laziness only leads to poverty.
Look at the things that God hates: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick running to evil, a false witness, one who sows discord among brethren. This is quite a list. And, considering that it says that God hates these things, it is vital to listen and apply these truths in life.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
There are two very strong warnings in these chapters regarding Godly morality and faithfulness in marriage. These are so important to remember and apply. We live in a culture that is more and more mocking the thought of following God’s ways in marriage and faithfulness in marriage. And, we are seeing the consequences of those attitudes. God knew what He was doing when He gave us those instructions regarding marriage and rejecting adultery. There are great blessings that God has put in marriage that nothing can replace.
3. How can I help someone?
The challenge for the reader to work and consider his ways is a challenge that our modern world needs. God’s plan is for us to understand the blessings of work and not be afraid of it. I want to help people understand that a willingness and desire to work is always better than an expectation that someone should simply take care of them.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 3 & 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Writing about the Book of Proverbs is a challenge. To pick out just a few key thoughts is tough. I’ll try. Son, let your heart keep my commands. Hear, my children, the instruction of a father. The importance of the guidance of parents who love their children cannot be over emphasized. The loss of Godly parental influence in our world is a major factor in the problems we face. Trust God with all your heart and let God direct your paths. Keep your heart with all diligence, for every issue of life comes from it. Get wisdom and avoid the path of evil. Wisdom will preserve you. Honor God with what your possess and with the firstfruits of your increase.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of the best-known passages in the book. Trust God with all your heart. Trust Him and don’t lean on your own understanding. Let God direct your paths in life. It is so easy to feel that we (I) have all the answers. Putting trust in God and letting His wisdom be the guiding force is the best. It is the only factor that will make life and eternity complete. I see so much so-called wisdom coming from various sources that doesn’t come close to what really makes a difference in life. It’s not wisdom, it is a big lie.
3. How can I help someone?
I guess I will say this more than once in reading this book: study all the wisdom it contains and seek God to grow in the guidance God gives. And the, apply it to life. It is the best and it really works. Keep diligent control of your heart.
Bible Chapter: Proverbs 1 & 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Proverbs is an awesome book filled with practicality that will bring people closer to God and make life better. It shares important wisdom to make life what God intended it to be. The enemy is a deceiver and convinces people that God’s ways are bad and make life boring. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Do you want life to be the best it can be? Let the Lord’s wisdom and instruction fill your life. Actually apply it. It is a fool who despises wisdom and instruction. So, listen to your parents. It is a lie from the enemy that causes many young people to think that their parents are stupid and out of touch with life. Seek wisdom and discernment, for they are more valuable than silver and gold. God’s ways will deliver you from the ways of evil and help you walk in the ways of righteousness. Get far away from those who walk in evil and even rejoice in doing evil things. Since God created life, He knows what is best.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Listen and learn. Pay attention to those who know God and apply eternal truths to your life. Study the Bible. Then you can walk in the way of goodness and righteousness. Life is better when you do things God’s ways. Study and learn all the great wisdom of this book to make life better.
3. How can I help someone?
This is a book filled with much wisdom. Work hard to grasp it and apply it in daily life.
Bible Chapter: Psalms 149 & 150
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Praise the Lord! Sing songs that give praise and glory to the Lord. Always remember that the Lord takes pleasure in His people and we are to be joyful in God’s presence. We are in a continual spiritual battle against the forces of evil. We can praise the Lord in the knowledge that, in the end, God will be the victor.
We can praise the Lord when we come together in a church service. We can praise the Lord when we are all alone at home. We can praise the Lord in many different places. We can praise Him with music, we can praise Him with instruments, we can even praise Him with loud clashing cymbals. And we need to remember the final admonition in this collection of Psalms that says let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
As I read these last two Psalms, I am again reminded of the fact that all of God’s people need to continually give praise to God. We give praise to God, not just because we think of the things He has done for us, but because God is always worthy to receive praise. He is so strong and high and worthy of all of the praise that we possibly could give Him. Note to self: praise the Lord!
3. How can I help someone?
There is a battle to try to cause each person to give up on God. Don’t give in to the battle but give thanks and praise to God in the knowledge that, all who fully put their trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior will one day receive their eternal reward and victory in the presence of Jesus.
Bible Chapter: Psalms 147 & 148
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
It is a good thing to use the awesome gift of music that God has given to us to sing praises to God. We are told here that this is pleasant and praise is beautiful. There is so much beautiful music available that exalts the Lord and, it is a good thing for God’s people to use it as a tool to glorify and honor the Lord. God is worthy of this praise for many reasons. One of them is His limitless knowledge and power. We are told here that God counts the number of stars and calls them all by name. To the best of my knowledge, there is no supercomputer that people have created that can do that. We haven’t even discovered all of the stars that are out there. In God’s amazing power He even provides food for all of the wild animals in nature.
All of creation is told to praise the Lord. The Angels, the sun and the moon and the stars are all challenged with the importance of praising God. All of creation is to praise the Lord for it was all made at the Lord’s command. It is only the name of the Lord that is exalted above all else, so praise the Lord.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The repeated admonition to praise the Lord is quite overwhelming in these two Psalms. We are told it is a good thing to sing praises to God. All of creation is told to praise the Almighty God. What really jumps out to me in reading these Psalms is the importance of continuing to praise God. This is true when things are going the way we want them to and when they are not. There is an amazing benefit and blessing to the one who seriously praises God, for a divine byproduct of our praise is a strong sense of God’s presence. There is nothing better than experiencing the power and presence of the Lord.
3. How can I help someone?
If you are in the middle of a struggle, then be willing to make a sacrifice of praise to the Lord, even when you don’t feel like. The Lord inhabits the praises of His people and it is amazing to see what God will do as people praise Him. He is always worthy of our praise.