Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bible Chapter: Psalms 9 & 10

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    David was a man of praise and worship.  He wrote many times giving all the glory to God.  He also emphasized that God is righteous.  God is a righteous Judge who will rightly deal with wicked people. There was no doubt in David’s mind that this would happen.  He said that God destroyed the wicked, even though it had not fully happened yet.  The Lord will endure forever and be the righteous Judge.  9:17 really jumped out to me.  “The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God.”  (NKJV) This is something that our world has either forgotten or mocked.  I believe the word “judgement” needs to be proclaimed to our society, because many are headed to a judgement they will regret for eternity.  There is still time for people to repent.
    David had faith in God, and yet was honest in his expressions asking God deep questions.  Psalm 10 is his plea to God seeking to understand why He seems to delay justice and permits the wicked to succeed.  The world seems filled with unfairness and all kinds of iniquity.  The question comes up: God, where are you?  Are the wicked going unpunished?  We know that there will come a day when justice and judgement will come.  The wicked may appear arrogant, but they will stand before God.  There will come the day in God’s time when the fatherless and the oppressed will receive justice.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    One of the thoughts that helps me often is to look at situations and issues from an eternal perspective.  King David’s thoughts about his assurance of God’s righteous judgement of the wicked, while at the same time wondering about the apparent delay in judgement, help me see the importance of seeing life from God’s eternal perspective.  Two seconds is not a long time for the majority of life’s events, but it is an eternity if one is holding his hand on a hot stove.  I think the lesson is to trust God’s timing and wisdom.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Grow to the place where you know you not can trust God, but that you actually DO trust Him in all the various situations of life.