Bible Chapter: Psalms 11 & 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.Where can I go when there is no one else to turn to? What should I do with the pressure to compromise when the principles of the Bible are being rejected by society? The only solution is to turn TO God, not away from Him. The world today is aptly described in this Psalm. The foundations are being destroyed. Because of this the world is a mess and people don’t see it. I must put my trust in God knowing that He will deal with the sinners when they face Him. Those who love violence will be judged. It is amazing to think that people not only sin, but that they love sin. That is now very common.
There are always wicked people in the world. They do many evil things against godly people. These activities bring trouble to the hearts of believers. Evil will become more common. God’s people must put their confidence in Him for their help. God will be with His people.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Don’t let problems cause you, me, to run from God. When stress increases, when temptation works to overwhelm, stay close to Jesus. When the hard and impossible times are exploding on the scene, keep trusting God. The enemy is tricky and deceptive. Don’t think that doing whatever seems like the most fun at the time is the best choice. Keep trusting and obeying God.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the difference between short and long term perspective. Sin often looks like the solution. It only makes the problems of life worse. Trust God and think eternity.