Bible Chapter: Psalm 15 & 16
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Do you want a strong personal relationship with God? Who may abide in God’s tabernacle? The one who walks uprightly, works righteousness and speaks truth. Godly behavior brings us close to God. Sinful behavior drives us away from God. So, we must look at our lives and make sure we are following what God’s Word says. Be careful not to use words to destroy other people, don’t put other people down. Fear the Lord and treat people honestly. God wants us to be people of integrity. This makes for the best life.
Do we need God in our lives? Absolutely. Life has no meaning apart from God. It is only in a close walk with God that anyone has any promise of eternal life. The Lord is everything in life. As a result, we can rejoice in the Lord and we can have a genuine hope. This hope is not grasping at some worthless thing. The hope we have in God is something solid that carries us through.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is up to each one of us to make the choice to serve God and live a life that is close to Him. God offers us forgiveness, but we are responsible to receive it and live it. Psalm 15 gives an effective and simple outline for living a life close to God.
3. How can I help someone?
Not only read God’s Word, but apply it. I see people who are deceived in to thinking that God allows anything they want to do. That is a major lie of the enemy. Life is so much better when we get out of the way and seek God and follow Him.
Bible Chapter: Psalms 13 & 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
I know that many can identify with the Psalmist here. He feels discouraged and in trouble. He feels that God had abandoned him. God, where are you? God, I need your help. Lord, listen to me. The good news is that the writer does say he puts his trust in God. God doesn’t always answer prayer quickly. He has His perfect timing. This is part of learning to grow in our relationship with Jesus and putting our trust in Him. Yes, we can rejoice in Him.
I am always amazed at the people who so blatantly declare there is no God. Some don’t even want to write the word “God”. Here David says that the one who does this is a fool. The evidence of God is all around us in creation. Those who declare that God doesn’t exist show their moral corruption. Many who don’t believe in God are involved in much corruption because the don’t have a solid foundation to stand on. We who believe in HIM can rejoice, for the Lord is with the generation of the righteous.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When things are going hard, I can put my trust in God. It can seem that God has abandoned me, but He has promised that He will never do that. So, I can trust in His promises. I am thankful that I have not been trapped in that deception that says God doesn’t exist. There is an interesting pride in folks who say they have life figured out and we don’t need this God that people talk about.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the evidence for and the love of God. It would be impossible to write out all the illustrations of God’s love across history. There is a lying enemy we face, but God is there for us as we put our trust in Him.
Bible Chapter: Psalms 11 & 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Where can I go when there is no one else to turn to? What should I do with the pressure to compromise when the principles of the Bible are being rejected by society? The only solution is to turn TO God, not away from Him. The world today is aptly described in this Psalm. The foundations are being destroyed. Because of this the world is a mess and people don’t see it. I must put my trust in God knowing that He will deal with the sinners when they face Him. Those who love violence will be judged. It is amazing to think that people not only sin, but that they love sin. That is now very common.
There are always wicked people in the world. They do many evil things against godly people. These activities bring trouble to the hearts of believers. Evil will become more common. God’s people must put their confidence in Him for their help. God will be with His people.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Don’t let problems cause you, me, to run from God. When stress increases, when temptation works to overwhelm, stay close to Jesus. When the hard and impossible times are exploding on the scene, keep trusting God. The enemy is tricky and deceptive. Don’t think that doing whatever seems like the most fun at the time is the best choice. Keep trusting and obeying God.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the difference between short and long term perspective. Sin often looks like the solution. It only makes the problems of life worse. Trust God and think eternity.
Bible Chapter: Psalms 9 & 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
David was a man of praise and worship. He wrote many times giving all the glory to God. He also emphasized that God is righteous. God is a righteous Judge who will rightly deal with wicked people. There was no doubt in David’s mind that this would happen. He said that God destroyed the wicked, even though it had not fully happened yet. The Lord will endure forever and be the righteous Judge. 9:17 really jumped out to me. “The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God.” (NKJV) This is something that our world has either forgotten or mocked. I believe the word “judgement” needs to be proclaimed to our society, because many are headed to a judgement they will regret for eternity. There is still time for people to repent.
David had faith in God, and yet was honest in his expressions asking God deep questions. Psalm 10 is his plea to God seeking to understand why He seems to delay justice and permits the wicked to succeed. The world seems filled with unfairness and all kinds of iniquity. The question comes up: God, where are you? Are the wicked going unpunished? We know that there will come a day when justice and judgement will come. The wicked may appear arrogant, but they will stand before God. There will come the day in God’s time when the fatherless and the oppressed will receive justice.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
One of the thoughts that helps me often is to look at situations and issues from an eternal perspective. King David’s thoughts about his assurance of God’s righteous judgement of the wicked, while at the same time wondering about the apparent delay in judgement, help me see the importance of seeing life from God’s eternal perspective. Two seconds is not a long time for the majority of life’s events, but it is an eternity if one is holding his hand on a hot stove. I think the lesson is to trust God’s timing and wisdom.
3. How can I help someone?
Grow to the place where you know you not can trust God, but that you actually DO trust Him in all the various situations of life.
Bible Chapter: Psalms 7 & 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Here we find a prayer for deliverance. This was a time of trouble for David. He came to God take refuge, crying out for His protection against those who would hurt him. God’s desire is that people will serve Him. When God’s people are under attack they can receive His help. They need to commit to God and strive to have an upright heart. David said in his prayer that he did have an upright heart. He was humble before, and submissive to, God. God is a just Judge and will deal with wicked people in His proper time.
Psalm 8 is a Psalm of praise to God. Lord, Your name is excellent and high in all the earth. Your glory is above anything, anywhere. You, the almighty Creator, have made us your highest creation. You have given people rule over the animals, over your creation. God, you are awesome.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God is worthy of all the praise and worship people can give him. I have recently read some comments that God doesn’t need the praise people can give Him. It is more important to God that we be happy. That is pathetic. God is SO WORTHY of all the worship His creation can give Him. We are blessed to have God in our lives. Life is not about us, but about God. When there is trouble, we can turn to Him. We can enter His presence as we worship Him. We can let God take care of those who need judgement.
3. How can I help someone?
Learn to give worship to God. Declare His mighty acts to the world to hear. Learn to trust Him through the troubles in life. God is always here to help.
Bible Chapter: Psalms 5 & 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
David cried out to God to hear him. He longed for a strong relationship with his Creator. Every part of his life needed God’s power and presence. David understood that God hated evil and sin. God takes no pleasure in wickedness. Evil will never dwell in God. God hates evil and He opposes all who practice it. All who refuse to repent and receive God’s forgiveness will be banished from Him forever. God will destroy all who continue to lie. They are guilty before the Lord. All who put their trust in God can rejoice, for God will defend them.
David expressed sorrow and repentance for the sins he had committed. He cried for God’s mercy. He needed it because he was weak and troubled. He cried tears of sorrow for sin. He also cried out for God’s healing. He longed for physical healing, but even more for healing, deliverance for his soul. He continually longs for the strong sense of God’s presence in his life. He is weary of his groaning and pain and wants more of God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Let reaching out to God be a normal part of life. The times I experience God’s presence prove His existence and power. There is nothing anyone can experience in life that comes close to the strong presence and power of God. David often expressed his desire for more of God in his life. Temptation is so common and strong. It can seem overwhelming. Yet, the best place to be is in God’s presence. We desperately need HIM continually in our lives.
3. How can I help someone?
Learn from the life of King David. He had many ups and downs. He had victories as well as destructive times connected with sinful choices. Learn from his failures and reject the tempter as you seek more and more of God. Learn from his strong desire for God.
Bible Chapter: Psalm 3 & 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
King David was having troubles. That seemed to happen often in his life. He expressed his grief to God. In spite of all his problems and failures, David knew to turn to God. And at the same time of these trials, he expressed his confidence in God for His protection. He thanked God that he was not alone as he went through his problems. David talked about God’s glory. To experience God’s glory is awesome. It will take a person in deep sorrow and bring them into God’s presence. There is no better place to be than in His presence.
David prayed for God to hear him when he called. Believers in Jesus can have hope to know God is with them. We have a solid hope in Jesus. We have God’s presence as we live in the righteousness He reveals in His Word.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
There will be trials in life. There will be hard times. But, God will not abandon His children. We can call on Him and trust in Him. Often when problems come people are tempted to run from God. I have observed that over the years. Instead of running TO God, people run AWAY and hide. They run from the fellowship of the local church, thinking that they can’t admit their hurt and seek help from other believers. Somehow they think that things will get better by hiding. I want to keep running TO the Lord and seeking help from other believers.
3. How can I help someone?
Trust God. As I write these thoughts each day I keep on being reminded of the extreme importance of the basics. Trust God. Be faithful to Him. Obey His Word. Seek HIM through whatever you may experience in life.
Bible Chapter: Psalm 1 & 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Do you want true blessings and the best life? Delight in the things of God and stay away from the counsel and paths of sinners. This word delight shows an action and attitude that gets excited about God and His ways and not just puts up with “religion” so that God is not mad at him. God knows the ways that people live and the way of the ungodly will perish.
Some things never seem to change. There are nations and leaders who constantly war against God. They rebel against God’s laws. God responds to these efforts to defy and mock him. In the end God will put them in their place and He will win. Jesus will return to the earth and conquer these foes.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is a common desire to have the best life possible. In this modern age there are countless ways to pursue pleasure and ease. People’s priorities are all mixed up. True blessings come when a person seeks the things of God. God’s ways are highest. Material possessions are fun. But they are not the ultimate solution. That latest and best gadget will become obsolete. God’s word will never fade away.
3. How can I help someone?
Seek God and His ways. That may seem simple, but it is also the best. There is nothing to compare with God. There are many temporary ways to have fun, but they never last. They always disappoint in the end.
Bible Chapter: Job 41 & 42
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Job learn much in the process of his suffering. While he never rashly accused God, he learned humility and submission to God. God knows what He is doing and can bring meaning out of suffering. He admitted that he spoke of things that he did not understand. His trials helped him see God and he humbled himself before God even though he never really got a final answer about the reason for his pain and loss.
God spoke to Job’s friends for their speeches that totally missed the mark. They believed that prosperity meant that God was pleased and poverty and suffering meant that the person had sinned. They continually accused Job of sinning. God told them that they had to repent. Then Job would pray for them. When all was said and done God restored double to Job of all he lost. This included ten children that were born to him. Job lived another 140 years, seeing four generations.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
We will all go through some kind of suffering. It can come out of the blue. We don’t always understand the reason behind it. Yes, we do face a strong and nasty spiritual battle. As we travel through these it is important to follow what Job learned at the end. We are to trust God and not make proud claims. Know that God really is in control and let Him do what He knows is best.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people find God’s peace in the middle of suffering. It doesn’t make sense, but it is real. I have experienced it and I want others to experience it as well.
Bible Chapter: Job 39 & 40
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God continued to speak to Job. He asked him questions Job could never answer. It put Job in his place about his desire to debate with God. Job was seeing his human limitations. He couldn’t understand God but he could trust Him.
God asked Job if he still wanted a debate. Job said that he would cover his mouth. He was having a time of seeing his limitations and that many of his statements came out of his suffering. Job was coming to the understanding that God had not abandoned him in this process. Job had come close to condemning God in the process of his trial. But, God rules the universe so we must trust HIM.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
In my ramblings through life I have seen many good things and many hard things. I don’t always understand the process and why things go the way they do. This book is a good illustration of trusting God and looking at life from an eternal perspective. We are so short sighted in so many ways. God sees the big picture.
3. How can I help someone?
Look for God in the big picture of life. Look at things from an eternal perspective. Trust God to take care of things. Don’t let human wisdom take over.
Bible Chapter: Job 37 & 38
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
We finally come to the end of the speeches of Job’s friends. This has been quite an exercise in hearing their “wisdom”. When they are all done, then the text tells us that God spoke to them from the whirlwind. This is the voice of God responding to all that they have said about Job’s trials. He spoke directly to Job.
We now see how much they all lacked the true wisdom and knowledge they thought they had. God spoke to Job about how little he really knew. Job also recognized that God was with him. He had been seeking God’s presence. God didn’t reveal the “why” behind his suffering. He revealed His powerful presence. God spoke of His creation, asking Job if he had been there and could explain how all the laws of nature work. It is all a marvelous mystery. Job, where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? God asked him some challenging questions.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is very easy to grow to the place where I think I understand more things than I do. God spoke to Job and reminded him that only God has all power and knowledge. It is important to trust God and let Him be the guide who answers the questions.
3. How can I help someone?
A theme that comes up throughout the whole Bible is to put your trust fully in God. When things go well and when they don’t, trust God. When things are not going well, that is the time to encourage people to reach out to God. Job’s friends did a poor job at this.
Bible Chapter: Job 35 & 36
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Elihu continued his long speech. He made an interesting statement: If you sin, how does that affect God? He appears to believe that God is far above and removed from us, so that nothing we do affects him. This misses who God is. God does respond to the actions of people. We can hurt or bless God. Obedience or rebellion impact God. God really cares for people, what they do and how their actions impact eternity. This is why we have that well-known verse, “For God so loved the world . . .”.
It appears to me that Elihu is contradicting himself. For he said that the sins and good deeds of people only affect other people, not God. Then later he said that God is mighty and He gives justice to the afflicted. If people obey God, then they are blessed. To me this looks like a contradiction to the statement that our actions don’t get a response from God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
In Bible stories like this, the things that people say are recorded. The things said are not always what God would say. I need to remember to study the context and interpret the Bible with the other books of the Bible. The words of these companions of Job are not always words to guide my life. This is a good lesson to think about what we say before we say it. We need to line up our lives and words with the message of the Bible that God wants us to follow.
3. How can I help someone?
People don’t generally need long speeches. They need to be pointed to God and learn of His love and forgiveness to all who truly repent and make HIM their Lord and Savior.
Bible Chapter: Job 33 & 34
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Elihu continued talking and insisted that Job pay attention to his words. He said he was speaking the truth. Similar to the other “comforters” who were telling Job why he was having all his troubles, Elihu erroneously believed that Job claimed to be morally perfect. Job had never said that he had never sinned. He had striven to obey God. He didn’t know why he was experiencing such suffering.
Yes, sin deserves punishment, they all agreed on that. Along with the others, Elihu was not correct in saying Job’s suffering was the result of his sin. It was not. Elihu accused Job of rebelling against God with his complaints and questions. But, in his heart Job was questioning and struggling, not rebelling against God. Job was expressing his hurts and seeking answers from God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When I don’t know what to say, then don’t say anything. This should have been a theme throughout this book. These men who gathered with Job expressed what they thought was great wisdom. Yet, they didn’t do anything to really help Job. We don’t always know every detail of what is going on. Be willing to admit that I don’t know everything.
3. How can I help someone?
Point people to the Lord to find help in time of need. As God gives guidance, help them as I can. It is not a religious cop-out to say we need to go to God and trust Him. It is the real solution to life’s challenges.
Bible Chapter: Job 31 & 32
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
In this chapter Job wraps up his defense. We see here a specific step he took that is an awesome example for believers in Jesus to follow. He told of his commitment to spiritual integrity and the application of that commitment to daily life. He had lived his life treating people with honesty. He helped those in need. He was faithful to God in his worship. He lived a life of moral character and purity.
The statement Job made about making a covenant with his eyes is powerful. He was specific about the potential of destruction by looking at women with a lustful desire. He as aware that this could easily be a step to the slippery slope of immorality. He understood what Jesus taught that looking with lust was sin. This is a good example for all men to follow. It would shut down the pornography industry and make a large amount of movies and TV programs go broke for lack of viewers. This one step by men would change our culture. Job knew what he was talking about.
We are introduced to Elihu. He had not said anything up this point because he was young. He wanted to allow the older men to speak. But, when he began speaking he made quite a speech. We will see it in the upcoming chapters.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Job suffered more than we can really grasp. Through it all he did not accuse God rashly. He continued to proclaim that he had lived his life to be a righteous man who honored God. While we know that Job was not perfect, he is a good example for people to study and emulate. He made deliberate choices and was continual in his commitment to obey God and resist temptation. He was careful about the situations he allowed himself to be in.
3. How can I help someone?
The commitment to rightness and fair treatment of people is what kept Job through all these trials. He believed he could honestly say he had been fair and right with people, so he didn’t have to feel guilt about how he had lived. Follow this good example.
Bible Chapter: Job 29 & 30
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Job longed for the days of his close relationship with God. They were days when he felt God’s presence and power. They were times when the glory of God impacted his life. He missed them terribly. Walking and living in God’s presence makes life worth living. In those times he was active in helping people. He assisted the poor. He was respected in the community. He was treated well because he was living a godly and respectable life.
Job went on to say that now he was mocked by children (this was an era when elders were respected and children didn’t do that). And, these children who mocked him were from the lowest of the low of society. Job was experiencing a very difficult dry time spiritually. He felt that God was not hearing or answering him. Having just talked about the times of the past when he had a close relationship with God, this was an especially difficult time.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is valuable to be reminded of the powerful times of God’s presence when one goes through dry valleys of spiritual low times. The enemy loves to make us think that God is not around. It is easy to believe that God has changed and there is no hope for the supernatural power of God to be impacting my life. It is easy to believe that these things don’t happen any more. That is simply not true. When there are spiritually dry times, hold on to God’s Word and believe that God knows what He is doing.
3. How can I help someone?
When a person is going through a dry time, be an encourager. Help them walk this journey. We don’t always have to say something. We don’t always have the right words they need to hear. Being with them and praying for them, ready to respond is better than the accusations Job endured from his counselors.
Bible Chapter: Job 27 & 28
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
As Job continued his defense, he committed himself to not speak evil and to continue to speak the truth. He insisted on defending his integrity and innocence with a clear conscience. The godless have no hope. Wicked people have no long term hope. They may have lots of money and clothes, but they won’t have the benefit of them. They will lose all they have. Nothing will last for them.
Job went on to talk about all the smart things people can do. They can mine precious metals. They can grow food. They can control things on the earth. But, what do they know about wisdom? They don’t know where to find it. Gold cannot buy wisdom. He comes to a powerful conclusion: To fear God is true wisdom and real understanding is to forsake evil.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Job maintained his innocence. And, in the process he maintained his commitment to follow God and not speak lies. His integrity was very important to him. This though of integrity comes to my mind often. I know that we all make mistakes and none of us are perfect. Me included. Yet, the issue of integrity and doing right is so important. If I don’t compromise that I will prevent many problems.
3. How can I help someone?
Understand what is most important. God’s wisdom will guide you, so seek it. Never compromise righteousness and integrity. This will prevent many problems.
Bible Chapter: Job 25 & 26
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
It was Bildad’s turn to reply. Fortunately for Job, it was short. In a few words he reiterates the theme that God is powerful and awesome. And, that people are evil. Can anyone born of a woman be pure? He puts down people, calling them maggots and worms. The thoughts that come to me as I read the responses of the three is that they don’t think much of people.
Job began his final speech, which is a long one and will cover multiple chapters. I see some questions and sarcasm in his response. Where have you gotten all this wisdom? Then Job began to talk about how awesome God is. We still see in his responses his desire to be close to God and give Him glory. A verse that can easily be lost in this long discourse is 26:7.
7 God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing. NLT
This was said thousands of years ago. Yet, Job with insight from God said that the earth hangs on nothing. We know that the earth orbits the sun. No, it doesn’t sit on the back of a giant turtle (they didn’t really know these things scientifically at that time). This verse shows God’s creative power and the fact that He reveals these truths to Godly people.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When things are going in the wrong direction, stay close to Jesus. Job didn’t foolishly accuse God like the three companions did. He didn’t make rash statements. That is a good pattern to follow.
3. How can I help someone?
When a person has a problem, don’t assume that they have messed things up in life and they are receiving the just reward of their sin. Help as you can. If it becomes obvious that there is some sin involved, then deal with that.
Bible Chapter: Job 23 & 24
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Job expressed his desire to find the presence of God again. He had experienced God’s presence in the past and lamented the loss. His strong desire was to sense God’s presence. He felt that God was hiding and he wanted to feel God again. That is interesting. We don’t hear Job talk about missing his wealth. He wants to feel God.
Job continued to trust in God. He talked about God’s testing him. This was a powerful proving of his faith. He said that he had not departed from trusting in God. He had not abandoned God.
Job talked again about the question of an apparent lack of judging the wicked. He talked about all the bad things that evil people do, how they make innocent and poor people suffer. This chapter ends with his acknowledgment that some day the wicked people will be gone.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
When things to hard, never abandon trust in God. Always remember it is a terrifying thing to walk away from God. Anything we face here in this world is temporary. It is critical to serve God without compromise. Always remember that wicked people will face God’s righteous judgement.
3. How can I help someone?
Having a strong desire to be close to God is the best thing anyone can do. While Job was going through a trial, he still wanted God. One of the lies of the enemy is to trick people into thinking that the solution is running from God. That is the worst thing anyone could ever do.
Bible Chapter: Job 21 & 22
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Job took his turn to speak, telling his companions that they should bear with him, then they could mock him again. His big concern here was why the wicked seemed to be getting away with so much sin and not being punished for it. They grow old and powerful. They see their children and grandchildren grow up. They live without God’s punishment. Their cattle breed and make them even wealthier. This is an age-old question. Why do heathen people prosper when they tell God to leave them alone? Job wasn’t thinking about the eternity of God and that at the time of judgement God will make everything right.
Then it was Eliphaz’s time to reply and attack. Is God rebuking you because you are so righteous? Isn’t it because of your great wickedness and endless sins? You, Job, have done so many things to hurt people, you deserve punishment. Eliphaz was getting it wrong. He was equating material prosperity with God’s blessing. Satan accused God of this, saying that the only reason why Job served God was because of his immense prosperity. God was in the process of proving that was not true.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is common for people to grab on to what is popular and appealing and promote it. I remember when it seemed as if all I heard was that God wants to make all His children rich and famous. We should never have a problem and if you are sick or struggling in any way, there is something wrong with you. It became a very accusatory religion that brought much agony to people who were suffering. That was the theme of the day. The concept sold very well, it was an appealing doctrine. Yet, what we see here in Job is that this is not biblical. God’s eternal judgement has not happened yet. So, I must keep my focus on God and let Him take care of the details of life.
3. How can I help someone?
Eliphaz told Job that if he would return to the Almighty (Job never left) then he would be restored. He said Job needed to submit to God and prosperity would come to him. I want to help people see that we need to submit to God and let God take care of us. Don’t consider the fact that what you are driving or where you are living is a sign of God’s pleasure or displeasure with you.
Bible Chapter: Job 19 & 20
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Job asked his companions how long they were going to torture him. They had insulted him over and over and should be ashamed for treating him the way they did. Even if he had sinned, it was his issue, not theirs. Job expressed the thought that God counted him among his enemies. He was in deep despair and it caused him to wrongly think that God was causing his pain. It appears that Job believed God was delighting in bringing torment and agony to his soul. Yet we see from the text that Satan was the cause of his endless troubles.
In the middle of all Job’s complaints and misunderstanding of the cause of his sorrow, he makes a powerful prophetic statement of his belief and trust in God. Job declared “I know my redeemer lives” and he also said “Yet will I see God”. This shows his heart was trusting in God even as he was suffering and saying that God had abandoned him.
Then Zophar the Naamathite had to open his mouth. He said he was enduring Job’s insults and had to respond. He said that it has always been that wicked people have a short life and will suffer the consequences. They will vanish and their memory will fade. God will reward the wicked for what they do. The continual attacks against Job and the accusations of his supposed wickedness did not let up.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Job’s ability to declare his faith in his redeemer in the middle of his unbelievable suffering is a stirring challenge to anyone going through any kind of trial. The potent statement that he knew his redeemer and that he would see him in the end is a powerful uplift. I also need to be reminded of the failure of these comforters to see beyond their shortsightedness. They figured that the only explanation for Job’s trials was that he was a secret sinner and God was making it public. This is poor theology that shows up from time to time. I can’t get caught up in that when someone is going through a test.
3. How can I help someone?
I need to be ready to encourage and help people through trials and tribulations. If they need to repent of something, let God direct that conversation and not assume they are trying to hide some secret sin.
Bible Chapter: Job 17 & 18
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Job continued his response to his “friends”. He was crushed by their mocking and taunting. He prayed that God would defend him. His life was shattered and his hopes had been crushed. He felt deserted and rejected. He said his friends had betrayed him for their own advantage. Job held on to his belief in the rightness of his cause. He still felt that he was innocent. He was always ready to humble himself toward God and in front of his friends. Job trusted that somehow he would eventually find peace even though the circumstances made this seem impossible.
Bildad responded and still didn’t get it. He said Job wasn’t speaking sense. He talked again about the bad things that happen to the wicked. The accusations continued that Job had done something evil and he was reaping the results of those actions. The chapter ends with the accusation that this is the home of a wicked person, one who rejected God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
At this point in the narrative we still see that Job has not falsely accused God. He has not made rash accusation against Him. He believed in the rightness of his cause. He was not arrogant and remained humble. These are good lessons to learn and apply. Learning from hard times is just as important as enjoying and learning from good times.
3. How can I help someone?
Learn to keep a good attitude and focus. It is so easy to get sidetracked and angry. Frustration comes easily and quickly. Job gives a good example of how to respond.
Bible Chapter: Job 15 & 16
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
As I read through the Bible in Connect2LIFE I use various translations. I have read a few of them in these chapters and in looking at the New Living Translation I am struck by the opening verses of chapters 15 and 16. Here’s what they say.
1 Then Eliphaz the Temanite replied: 2 “A wise man wouldn’t answer with such empty talk! You are nothing but a windbag.
1 Then Job spoke again: 2 “I have heard all this before. What miserable comforters you are!
This is a good illustration of what Job was going through during this extremely difficult trial. His comforters continued to attack him. Eliphaz said Job was trying to deceive them. He was acting and trying to convince them how wise he was. He basically called Job a wicked man.
Job asked the why they weren’t trying to help and comfort him. It seemed as if both God and people were all against him. His suffering and rejection continued. These “comforters” seemed to only make the situation worse.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Job was calling for some comfort and encouragement. His friends here felt the need to say something. It was almost as if they were afraid of quiet and felt that they had to say something, even if it was wrong. They acted as if they thought they were very wise. They did a very poor job of helping this one who was in such deep grief. We don’t always have to say something. Sometimes just being there is the right thing to do. Job asked them if their long winded hot air speeches would ever end. That is not what a person going through loss needs to deal with. In the process of giving comfort to someone, put yourself in their shoes.
3. How can I help someone?
Be available to help people when they need it. Seek to understand the help they need and do your best to help them. Don’t talk just to talk.