Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 11 & 12

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    When God established the nation of Israel, He gave them an amazing covenant. He told Jeremiah to remind the people of the terms of the covenant. Anyone who refused to follow it would bring a curse upon themselves. God reminded them of the importance of obedience and actually doing what God had commanded. Jeremiah was told to go from town to town reminding people of the covenant and their responsibility to obey. Sadly, they refused to listen to God. Their sin and rebellion had brought them to the place where God told Jeremiah to quit praying for them, for He would not respond to their prayers for deliverance out of their distress. God asked a powerful question when He said, what right do my beloved people have to come to my temple when they have done so many immoral things? That is a challenging question that all people need to ask. I have observed the same people who reject God’s ways turn around and pray when calamity comes. They need to ponder God’s question and serve God always, not just when troubles come.
    Jeremiah struggled with the issue of seeing wicked people prosper as he struggled. There were even people were plotting his death because he proclaimed God’s truth and they didn’t want to hear it. At least part of the answer to Jeremiah’s question is answered in the realization that the prosperity of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous is only temporary. In eternity, the wicked will receive their just punishment and the righteous will receive their reward.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    It is very legitimate to ask questions and try to understand the issues of life. I am coming to realize the extreme importance of looking at things from God’s perspective. His perspective is eternal and the questions and struggles of life on this earth are temporary. The struggles and pain are real, but they will not last forever. God’s love and mercy will bring an end of justice.

3.  How can I help someone?
    I think of the words of an old song that say in part “look to Jesus now and live”. That is the best answer for the questions of life that seem to have no answer. That is not just giving some kind of a generic religious response, but is the truth that will make the difference in life.