Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 25 & 26
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Jeremiah continued to proclaim the truths that God had given to him. He told the people he had faithfully passed on to them God’s word, but they had not listened. The message from God was that they needed to turn from the evil road they were traveling on and obey God. They were warned to not provoke God’s anger by worshiping idols they made with their own hands. God told them that because they had not listened, He would gather the armies of the north to come against them, completely destroying the nation and making it in object of horror. Because of their sin, peaceful meadows would be turned into wasteland by the Lord’s fierce anger.
God told Jeremiah stand in the courtyard of the Temple and announced to those coming to worship. Perhaps they would listen and turn from their evil ways. Unfortunately when Jeremiah was finished with his message, the people mobbed him, shouting to kill him. Jeremiah’s response was that the Lord sent him to prophesy against them and God gave him every word he had spoken. If they would repent and quit sinning, and start obeying the Lord, God would change His mind about the disaster that was coming.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Learning to obey God is the lesson that continues to be repeated over and over again as the Bible is studied. The principle of full obedience is critically important to the Christian life. God’s commands are not subject to debate and they will not change based on the latest opinion poll.
3. How can I help someone?
Since God is the creator of all, He knows what is best for us. His purpose in giving us His commands is to help us know and learn what will make our life and eternity the best that it can be. It is up to each individual to listen and obey.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 23 & 24
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God declared through Jeremiah that great sorrow was ahead for the leaders, the shepherds of the people. They had destroyed and scattered the ones they were supposed to care for. Instead of caring for the flock and providing them with safety, they deserted them. So God declared judgment would come for the evil they had done. There would come a time when God would gather those that had been faithful and appoint responsible shepherds to care for them. God promised that there would be righteous descendants who would serve Him. A very sad statement is that God’s heart was broken because of the false prophets. These people who claimed to speak for God were only telling lies they had made up. The land was full of adultery and under a curse. So many of the leaders were filled with evil and abusing their power. They love dishonesty and did not turn anyone away from their sins.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God spoke to Jeremiah through a vision. There were some exiles who were in the land of Babylon that God promised to watch over and care for. He said He would bring them back and their hearts would recognize God and they would be His people. The other part of the vision showed the judgments that was coming to the King and the officials that had promoted so much evil and disobeyed God. God said He would make them an object of horror and they will be disgraced and marked. I see here another lesson of God’s righteousness and His refusal to cover over sin. Unrepentant sin always brings God’s judgment. I must always remember that.
3. How can I help someone?
It is easy to think that God’s greatest focus is on judgment and punishment. But we also see His mercy and forgiveness and desire to help all who are submissive to Him. We don’t have to be afraid when we are living in obedience to God.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 21 & 22
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
King Zedekiah sent the priest to Jeremiah and begged for help. He pleaded for Jeremiah to pray that God would help them because King Nebuchadnezzar was attacking Judah. They hoped that God would be gracious and miraculously deliver them as He had done in the past. Jeremiah’s straightforward reply to the King was that God told him his weapons would be useless against the king of Babylon. Babylon was going to conquer them in there would be a great slaughter. As I was reading this, I was thinking that many in our modern world would be highly offended at God’s judgment. They think that God is just some soft pushover who can be easily manipulated. They refused to believe that God is a righteous judge who will clearly tell the truth and punish those who actively participate in sin.
We also see here that God called for the leaders to be fair-minded and just. He told them to do what was right by helping those who have been oppressed. God told them to quit their evil deeds and quit mistreating the orphans and widows.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I think of this thing that is called political correctness that is trying to pressure people to do and say only nice things, while rejecting the concept of judgment and calling out sin. This philosophy says that people should be allowed to do anything they want without any accountability. Jeremiah told the people the truth as God had revealed it to him. One of the words that our modern world needs to hear is the word judgment. They may be laughing and thinking that they have gained the political power to make things as they want them to be, but they are neglecting the truths that Jeremiah and many others have revealed from God. Obedience to God’s ways is the key.
3. How can I help someone?
Every person needs to ask themselves the question, “who am I listening to?” Each person must analyze the source of guidance in their lives. If the guidance for decisions in life and the foundation of life is not God and His word, then they are setting themselves up for ultimate eternal failure and punishment because of God’s righteous judgment.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 19 & 20
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God used the technique of a parable to teach Judah and Jerusalem a very important lesson. Devastating judgment was coming that would destroy them. The pottery, the nation, would be smashed. This was because they had forsaken God and burned sacrifices to false idols. They even practiced the despicable “worship” of sacrificing their sons as burnt offerings. Their sinful practices brought them to the place where some even practiced cannibalism.
Jeremiah was faithful to tell the people the truths God had revealed to him. Some responded with such hatred and violence that they had him beaten, imprisoned and put in stocks. They did all they could to keep Jeremiah quiet, but it didn’t work. He had harsh messages to deliver from God and he faithfully gave them.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jeremiah experienced many horrible punishments and tortures. This was even to the point where he rued the day that he was born. The pressure was immense. The good news is that he stayed faithful to God and obeyed His commands. In the book of Job, we also see this sorrow at what had been happening in his life. In chapter three Job lamented the day of his birth. With both of these illustrations, we see that eventually they knew God’s power and presence and were glad they were faithful to serve and obey the Lord. This is a very good lesson for all. There are hard times. There will be even more hard times. I don’t like that thought, but it is true. We must continue to trust God. We must be faithful and know that God will never abandon us.
3. How can I help someone?
Don’t fall prey to any temptation that looks so great, but you know violates God’s commands. It always starts out small and very attractive. But, it always ends up costing much more than it is worth. God is a righteous judge who will hold everyone accountable for their actions.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 17 & 18
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The theme of Judah’s nonstop wickedness continues in this book. We see their deeply embedded character of sin and rebellion as they worship false gods and evil became a driving force in their lives. They put their confidence in their own capabilities, not recognizing that it would only lead to failure and spiritual poverty. God reminded them that those who trust completely in the Lord will receive the eternal rewards God has promised. We find one of the most insightful and foundational versus in the Bible when we are told that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who knows how bad it is? This is so true. Many people say “follow your heart”. And yet, if a person’s heart is not right with God, it is a source of wickedness. Before God is given control, the heart is corrupt and it is impossible for a person to make the changes needed by themselves. People can hear God’s directives, and yet they refuse to follow them because they want to do what they want, refusing to acknowledge that they are bringing problems down on themselves. God warned Judah about carrying on trade on the Sabbath, and they ignored Him. They didn’t worry about the consequences or seek the blessings.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
We see God’s concern and abilities with the illustration of the potter’s shop. When something is not turning out right, the potter will start over. God wants us to be submissive to Him so that He can mold us according to His will and not hinder what He wants to accomplish through us. Let God do what he wants with us and our lives. We will be better off when we do.
3. How can I help someone?
Look honestly at your life and what you are accomplishing. How is it going? Are things working out? Are you better off when you follow God’s way? Are you better off when you do things your own way? Remember the deep truth of 17:9, the heart is deceitful and wicked. Make sure your heart is following God’s way.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 15 & 16
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Even though the book of Jeremiah was written about 2,600 years ago, I continue to marvel at how up to date it is. I see over and over again the description of our modern world, with the corruption and rejection of God and His ways. God said they had abandoned Him and turned their back on Him. That describes our world today. God’s ways are mocked as people think they can do this with not problem. The don’t see that they are in the process of losing everything of value. Enemies take over when God’s protection is lost. Fear takes over because of the potential danger that lurks. God specifically told Judah that He had removed His protection from them. They were not under the place of God’s love and mercy.
The people will ask why the Lord had decreed such terrible things against them. God’s reply is that is was because their ancestors were unfaithful to Him and abandoned His Word. And, they were even worse than their ancestors. They stubbornly followed their own evil desires. This so accurately describes what has happened in our world in the past few generations. God is openly mocked, and that is often by people who claim to be Christians.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I am seeing more and more unrelenting pressure to walk away from the foundational truths of the Bible. People who are supposed to be spiritual leaders are telling us that the Bible is irrelevant in our modern and advancing world. Eternal principles that have guided us are no longer applicable, for we are more enlightened today. We are smarter and have greater insights to life. That is a pathetic lie. We are no smarter. We have more technology and conveniences, but that only says that we have built on what previous generations have discovered. Don’t give in to the pressure to compromise truth. Remember that the Bible says that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
3. How can I help someone?
Don’t deny the fact that God has said over the generations that He will bless and be with those who follow and obey Him, and those who reject His ways will be punished. God’s righteousness never changes. Truth is truth is truth. Period.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 13 & 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Pride is a very destructive force. People think they can do anything they want. The nation was being wicked in refusing to listen to God, but stubbornly followed their own desires. They had become good for nothing. God created the nation to cling to Him, to be His pride and joy. But, they refused to listen. God called on the people to listen, quit being arrogant and give the glory to God before it was too late. Terrible things were coming (but they didn’t want to accept this as a possibility). And, when they asked why all this was happening, God would reply that it was because of their many sins. Their false gods could not and did not help them. God had observed their disgusting idol worship, so that sorrow was coming to them.
The people couldn’t figure out why God had abandoned them. The answer is found in the fact that they loved to wander far from God and have no restraint of themselves. They had prophets who were telling them lies.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
One part of this passage that jumps out to me is the statement that they had prophets who were telling lies in God’s name. He had not sent them or told them to speak. He did not give them any messages. But, they spoke the foolishness they made up in their own lying hearts. This is very true today as well. There are countless so-called prophets (or pastors or preachers) who are speaking lies. They tell the world so many things that God has nothing to do with, and yet they proclaim their lies as coming from God. They are changing God’s unchangeable moral laws. They are saying that there are many ways to come to God. They are twisting the truths of God’s love, saying that love requires acceptance of sin. They are saying the Bible is not relevant today. They are perverting God’s truths and countless people are grasping the filth they spew out. I must be careful to continue to study the Bible and continue to apply the real message it gives.
3. How can I help someone?
Read and study the Bible and see what it really says. Don’t try to create new interpretations. Don’t get caught up in the rush to make it say whatever pleases you. Let the true message change you to who God desires you to be. You will never regret it.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 11 & 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
When God established the nation of Israel, He gave them an amazing covenant. He told Jeremiah to remind the people of the terms of the covenant. Anyone who refused to follow it would bring a curse upon themselves. God reminded them of the importance of obedience and actually doing what God had commanded. Jeremiah was told to go from town to town reminding people of the covenant and their responsibility to obey. Sadly, they refused to listen to God. Their sin and rebellion had brought them to the place where God told Jeremiah to quit praying for them, for He would not respond to their prayers for deliverance out of their distress. God asked a powerful question when He said, what right do my beloved people have to come to my temple when they have done so many immoral things? That is a challenging question that all people need to ask. I have observed the same people who reject God’s ways turn around and pray when calamity comes. They need to ponder God’s question and serve God always, not just when troubles come.
Jeremiah struggled with the issue of seeing wicked people prosper as he struggled. There were even people were plotting his death because he proclaimed God’s truth and they didn’t want to hear it. At least part of the answer to Jeremiah’s question is answered in the realization that the prosperity of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous is only temporary. In eternity, the wicked will receive their just punishment and the righteous will receive their reward.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is very legitimate to ask questions and try to understand the issues of life. I am coming to realize the extreme importance of looking at things from God’s perspective. His perspective is eternal and the questions and struggles of life on this earth are temporary. The struggles and pain are real, but they will not last forever. God’s love and mercy will bring an end of justice.
3. How can I help someone?
I think of the words of an old song that say in part “look to Jesus now and live”. That is the best answer for the questions of life that seem to have no answer. That is not just giving some kind of a generic religious response, but is the truth that will make the difference in life.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 9 & 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Jeremiah expressed his care and concern for the nation with a unique expression. He wished he had an unlimited supply of tears to cry for the sinful nation. He is called the weeping prophet because of his sorrow for the stubborn and sinful people. God continue to warn them about upcoming disaster and judgment, and they simply rejected God’s words and continued in their sin. God said that the people continue to lie and refused to stand up for the truth. They were going from bad to worse. They continued to tell lie upon lie and utterly refused to acknowledge God. God said He must punish them for this. The judgment happened because the people abandon God’s instructions refused to obey. They stubbornly followed their own desires and worshiped idols.
Those who truly knew the Lord understood that He demonstrates His unfailing love and brings justice and righteousness. His punishment goes to those who have only outwardly religious expressions, but their heart is far from God. God specifically told them to not act like the other nations.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Jeremiah said there is no one like the Lord. He is great and His name is full of power. Among all the wisest people of the earth there is no one like the Lord. He went on to say that it is foolish to worship idols made of wood and silver and gold. During Jeremiah’s time there was extreme pressure to be like everyone else and only do what is pleasing to self. There was great pressure to reject God’s ways and ridicule anyone who insisted on being obedient to God’s law. That describes our current world where we are seeing unbelievable pressure to reject God’s ways and mock anyone who establishes the Bible as their standard of life. I must never compromise God’s eternal and unchanging truth.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the issues of life and eternity. Yes it is possible to have a fun time in doing sinful things. Life can seem exciting. But that sinful pleasure and excitement is temporary. What people must understand is that we were created as eternal beings and that we are accountable to God for the choices we make. There will come a day when we stand before God and everything will be revealed. Jesus clearly stated that He is the only way to eternal life and that unrepented sin will be punished.