Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bible Chapter: Joshua 19 & 20

Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.

1.  Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
    God continued to direct the division of the land to the tribes.  He made sure that each tribe had an adequate place to live with enough room for all.  God also provided a place for Joshua to live.  He was given the city of Timnath Serah.
    God also provided cities of refuge.  If someone was involved in an accidental death, they could go to the city of refuge near them and find protection.  It wasn’t that they could commit murder and get away with it, but the cities of refuge provided a safe place till a trial took place.  God was and still is concerned about proper justice for people.

2.  What can I apply in my life from the reading?
    God is not only able to provide, He provides.  In reading the story of the creation of the nation of Israel and the various stages of their development, God never had a problem in taking care of them.  If they were slaves in Egypt, God was the One who got them out.  When they were in the desert they had adequate food and water.  When they needed to cross a strong river to get to the promised land, God held back the waters.  Now we are reading about the process of settling in the land.  God had a plan for that and He provided all they needed.  God never changes.  He takes care of His people.

3.  How can I help someone?
    Trust God.  Live the way God expects.  Israel had sad stories of when they didn’t trust and obey.  There are many stories today of people who claim to be followers of the Savior who don’t act like it.  Not only have the theology, have the practice of what God says.  Then you will see God’s involvement, provision and protection in life.