Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 29 & 30
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Through Jeremiah, God told the nation that they would be in exile for seventy years. They were to settle in, work, plant gardens and have children. They were to keep things going so there would be descendants to return home in the future. At the end of the time the nation would return to their homeland. There were lying prophets who were telling them the opposite, that they would quickly return home. God said they were liars and that He had not sent them. God had a plan. They were to seek HIM with all they had and they would know God.
God’s righteousness required that He would punish these false and lying prophets. Because of the increase of sin among the people God punished them. That truth must sink in to people. The modern world doesn’t like the thought of punishment. We keep hearing that God is love so anything goes. That is simply not true. It takes a truth: God is love, and then mixes in a lie that we can do anything we want. Many people have found out, too late, that they will be judged and punished for active participation in sin.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Even though everything looked bad at that time, Jeremiah let them know there was hope for the future. It would not always be bad. That is good encouragement. The world is in tough shape now. It will not always be that way. God has a plan for the future when He will take control, bind the forces of evil and the people will rejoice in God’s perfect and eternal rule.
3. How can I help someone?
Look for the Lord to guide you. Listen to Him and obey Him. Ask God to help you see false prophets and reject their message. Don’t give up on life.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 27 & 28
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
False prophets. People who are supposed to be religious leaders we can trust who make up stories that they want to hear, and tell them to people who want to hear what pleases them. Many false prophets seek fame and fortune at the expense of a gullible public. We see this theme of false prophets often in this book. As I have been reading Jeremiah, I am thinking of the modern world. There are countless false prophets disguised as pastors and church leaders who are telling the world what is popular. People don’t want to hear the truth about right and wrong. They want permission to do anything they want (they want permission to sin). We keep hearing the stories of how things that have been sin for millennia are now permissible. To speak against something that the Bible calls sin is now considered an offense. Well, these false prophets will not only bring God’s judgement on themselves, but will destroy anyone who believes them.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must keep a proper focus on what is the standard I will follow in life. With the proliferation of sources of information, it can be overwhelming to think of all the things people are saying. Many are very convincing in their presentation. There are many people with fancy educations who tell us things that are the complete opposite of what has been taught in the past. Many compelling arguments that are seemingly based on the Bible are pulling people to the place where the Bible doesn’t mean the same thing any more. I must remember that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Anyone who doesn’t line up with the clear message of the Bible must be rejected.
3. How can I help someone?
Be careful what you fill your mind with. Be a careful thinker, basing your decisions on God’s revealed Word. Remember, there are many false prophets out there looking for a following.