Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 7 & 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God is very merciful and patient with people. But, there comes a time when He says it is time to bring judgement that results from the stubbornness of people. God told His people that He would be merciful to them only if they would stop their evil thoughts and deeds. They must stop exploiting foreigners and orphans, and they must stop worshiping idols and murdering each other. They were foolishly thinking that because they had the Temple that they were safe. They were stealing, killing, committing adultery, lying and burning incense to Baal, and then going to the Temple and saying they were safe.
God told Jeremiah to quit praying and weeping for the people. The people are hurting themselves with their sinful practices. The people refused to listen to God and kept doing whatever they wanted, following their stubborn desires of their evil hearts.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
A proud theme of people over the generations has been the cry of doing whatever they want, when they want and however they want. People insist on doing what makes them happy and gives immediate pleasure. I keep seeing this theme over and over as I read the prophets. I see it over and over in the modern world. There is a deception that says people can do anything they want and there will never be any consequences. If bad things happen as a result of behavior, then someone should fix it and take away the consequences. There is no acceptance of personal accountability. This is a lie. I must always be careful to not be caught up in this deception.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the truth of personal accountability to God. God has shown Himself in many ways. We have the Bible that teaches us God’s truths. There are many people who twist the truths of the Bible to permit them to do anything they want. People must see the truth and quit listening to the deceptions of the forces of evil. There really will be a time of accountability for the decisions people make in life. Trust God and submit to Him before it is too late.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 5 & 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Was there anyone left in Jerusalem who would seek God’s truth? It didn’t appear that there was. Instead, they were not paying attention to God and seemed determined not to repent. I was reading these chapters in the New Living Translation and came across a verse that said God’s prophets are all windbags and don’t really speak for Him. The way that was expressed really spoke to me. There are people who should know better and who are responsible before God to speak the truth, and yet they are only making noise. The result of all of this is judgment. Then the people will ask why God did all of this to them. God told Jeremiah to reply it was because they had rejected God and given themselves over to foreign gods. They had become foolish and senseless people that could not see or hear God’s truths, and did not respect God or tremble in His presence. God described them as stubborn and rebellious people who had abandoned Him. Unfortunately they were not ashamed of their disgusting actions.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God challenged the people to stop at the crossroads and look around. They were to seek the old, godly ways and travel in that path. Then they would find rest for their souls. God said He had posted watchman over them to give the sound of alarm to protect the people. But they replied that they would not pay attention. It is not because the way is old, but because it is God’s way, that I must follow God’s path in life. His path is always the best way.
3. How can I help someone?
We see here God’s challenge to people to feel shame for sin and to come to repentance. This has become an old concept that, unfortunately, so many modern people do not understand. Sinful actions should bring a feeling of shame and a need to repent. The shame of sin is not just to make people feel bad. It is to get their attention and lead them back to a right relationship with God.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 3 & 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
One of the things that we learn about God by reading the Bible is that He calls things what they really are. We live in an age when people continually change the terms they use that describe sinful behaviors to make the terms less challenging and give these behaviors a more acceptable expression. God is not like that. He spoke to Judah about their unfaithfulness to God and their tendency to worship false gods and called it adultery. He said they were like a prostitute along the road trying to solicit customers. Judgment would come because of their sin.
God called for true repentance. They had to reject the immoral debauchery they had been practicing and have a complete change of heart as they committed themselves to God’s truth and righteousness. They had to acknowledge their sin, calling it what it was, and turn their hearts to God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God said there would come a day when He would give them shepherd’s after His own heart. There would be spiritual leaders who would truthfully speak God’s word and tell the people what they needed to hear, not what they wanted to hear. One of the things we are seeing in our modern world is that there are many who are in a spiritual shepherding position who are not teaching with the Bible really says. I see that it is vitally important that I be the kind of spiritual shepherd who teaches the truth of God’s Word, not compromising in an attempt to please people.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see beyond the deception that the enemy is pouring out. Jesus said that the enemy is the father of lies, and we are seeing that truth expressed over and over these days as people are hearing and believing the most outrageous lies. They are being drawn away from the truth that God has revealed in the Bible.
Bible Chapter: Jeremiah 1 & 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Jeremiah had a prophetic ministry to the southern kingdom of Judah at the end of Judah’s history for about 40 years. He cried out to the nation many times. He warned them of God’s judgment to come. Sadly, the people refused to listen. Jeremiah lived to see Babylon invade Judah, and that brought the destruction of its capital city, Jerusalem, as well as the temple. God spoke to Jeremiah telling him that before he was even born, He had been set aside to be a prophet. Jeremiah’s response was that he couldn’t speak for the Lord because he was too young. Got rebuked his hesitation told him not to be afraid of the people for He, God, would be with Jeremiah and protect him. God helped him see the specific judgments that would come to Judah.
God told Jeremiah to go and proclaim the message to Jerusalem that God remembered when the nation was as a young bride and loved and followed God. They enjoyed the fruitful bounty of the land. But then they did something very strange. God asked them if any nation had ever traded its God’s for new ones, and yet the people had exchange the glorious God for worthless idols. God challenge the people to call on these worthless God’s they had made.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
There are some very encouraging words in this passage. God let Jeremiah know that he had an awesome plan for him and that God would never abandon him. God was his strength and protection. His age was no issue, for God can use any willing person at any age. Wherever I am in life, I must remember that God will use me in His perfect way as I am listening to Him and following His direction. We never know where God will take us.
3. How can I help someone?
Some of the best advice I have ever heard in life says that we must be willing to learn from the mistakes of others. As we learn from their mistakes, we are in a position to not have to make them ourselves. So, my word of encouragement to all is to learn from the lessons God was teaching His people in this book, realizing God’s great love for people and His sorrow when anyone disobeys.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 65 & 66
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
When God’s timing comes for the end of this age of the world, after people have been both judged for sin and rewarded for faithfulness, God promises a new heaven and a new earth. There will be a 1000 year reign of God’s peace where life as we know now will be totally different. People will live long lives and things that cause fear now will be gone. We see that God delights in those who are humble and reliant on God for His provision. There will be a time all of the prophecies about the future will be fulfilled, evil will be banished and God’s rule will make the existence of all those who serve Him amazing. God will create a new heaven and earth. Those who have rebelled against God and rejected His ways will receive their eternal punishment.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Temptation is a very real issue that everyone must deal with. It is obvious that the deception of evil has fooled millions and millions of people with the thought that they can live anyway they feel like and it doesn’t matter. My observations in life is that it does matter when a person submits to God and follows His way. So many people are suffering and miserable because of sin. I must always keep that principle in mind, being reminded that no temptation is worth it in the long run.
3. How can I help someone?
Look to the Lord Jesus for the hope and peace that you so desperately long for. Don’t listen to the whole of the popular culture when people say that there are no rules and no consequences. The only true lasting and hope is found in Jesus.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 63 & 64
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
There will come a day God will judge the ungodly world. Many people oppose God and those who follow Him. We are seeing much evidence these days of people who are making unreasonable and overbearing demands on followers of Jesus to try to get them out of the mainstream of our culture. When I see these things I am reminded of the fact that some day they will be shocked as God judges them for their sin. So many have rebelled against God and grieved his Holy Spirit. They have violated who the Holy Spirit is and rejected his work in their lives.
Isaiah longed for the same thing that so many of God’s people today long for. There is a desire to see God’s mighty presence and awesome power shown in the world. People long for what God has promised, and that is to see the great and wonderful things the Lord will do.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
As we study the Bible we can see that there is no limit to what God will accomplish. God is never perplexed by situations, thinking that He has no power to intervene. He has all power and authority. I am often reminded of this when I see the pain and struggles that so many people go through and my thoughts say that if people would only listen to and obey God, their lives would be totally different. I long for people to submit to God and reject the sinful lifestyles that keep them in bondage.
3. How can I help someone?
People need to be willing to open their spiritual eyes and see the truth of what is happening in their lives. This is the only way they will be set free.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 61 & 62
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
We see here a direct connection with Jesus. He read from this passage and claimed it. It says that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He said this passage was fulfilled in Him. He came to bring good news to the poor. God is concerned with those who have little and suffer in the process. Jesus came to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, and that the oppressed will be set free. These are exciting and encouraging promises. The enemy has destroyed so much. We see here promises that Jerusalem will be rebuilt and the people will love the Lord. People will delight in the Lord.
We also see that God will put, as they are called, watchmen on the wall. He will give prophets and prayer intercessors who will spread the message of God to proclaim the true life of faith that God expects from His followers.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God cares. He really does. He cares about people. He cares about their situations in life. He cares that there is provision. The Savior came to bring good news to those who don’t usually have any. He came to bring deliverance and encouragement. He came to make a difference. He wants His followers to do the same. We are to care what happens to people. We are to care about their eternal souls and where they will be forever. He wants us to be watchmen, to not be afraid to tell the truth of God’s Word to the world.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see what God created and what He knows is best for us. It is very easy to see that there are countless people promoting evil. I want to promote God’s righteousness and help people see the blessings of obedience.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 59 & 60
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
As I was reading these chapters, the thought came to me that this sounds like it was written today and not almost three thousand years ago. It very accurately describes the sinful actions and hearts of our modern cultures. It talks of lies and murder and corruption. It talks of baseless lawsuits that are founded on lies. It talks of people’s feet who run to do evil, thinking only about sinning. Their world was filled with perversion. But fortunately there were those who admitted the sins that had been committed and worked to come to a place of repentance. The good news is that God reminded them that His spirit would not leave them.
There is a great promise that the light of Jerusalem will shine for all to see. It talks of people returning from distant lands and the glory of the city returning. Those who have despised and depressed God’s people to come in repentance and their needs will be met.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Reading the Bible and reading modern writings about what is happening in the church world causes me to see many similarities. The Bible talks about the sinful and rebellious attitudes of people who want to do what they want to do, here regardless of what God has said. We live in a modern culture that is more concerned with popularity and acceptance than taking and applying biblical truths. So, compromise is overwhelming. This compromise only leads to more sin and walking away from God’s blessing and protection. We see the negative results of these kinds of actions throughout the Bible and yet people don’t learn.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see that this mad rush to popular acceptance and compromise so that the world will like churches and the Bible, will not produce the results they seek. Jesus did not come to die on the cross so that people could continue to sin. He came to call sinners to repentance and change people. God still forgives sin and makes people new. The Bible says that when we come to Christ the old is passed away and all is made new.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 57 & 58
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Throughout this book we see references to horrible acts that were done to godly people. Sadly, Judah had some cruel leaders who killed some of their own people because they were faithful to God. These martyrs would enter into God’s peace. The people who had rejected the Lord and worshiped the false gods entered in to some horrible religious practices, including prostitution and sorcery. Possibly the worst of these practices included human sacrifices. But they were warned that they would not get away with all of these evil practices, for God’s judgment would be sure. There would be no peace for the wicked.
Isaiah cried out against the sins the people were committing. He fulfilled his role as a prophet of God. He exposed sin and challenge the hypocrisy and rebellion of the people. The people went through the motions and appeared to be worshiping God. But their rebellious hearts did not truly worship God, they only went through the motions. They did not have pure hearts before God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The good news for those who worship God is that He sees their hearts. He is not limited to only observing the appearance of our actions. When we serve and worship the Lord with the heart of submission and obedience, we bring God’s blessing. Serving and caring are part of God’s plan for us who follow Him. Putting God’s command into action will cause our light to break out for the world to see.
3. How can I help someone?
It is obvious that so many people in the world just don’t get what God has commanded. They don’t see the heart of God and the truths He has revealed. People don’t see righteousness and evil. So many just see what they want to see and make excuses to do whatever they want to do. I want to help people see God’s truths that will set them free from the bondage of sin.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 55 & 56
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God’s love and mercy are so overwhelming that He even invites people who have rejected Him to come back and be restored in salvation. He invites all who are thirsty and hungry for truth to come to Him. We are encouraged to seek the Lord while He may be found. God’s word is very powerful and will accomplish the purpose for which it was sent. In spite of all the efforts that have gone forth, His word cannot be voided out. Both the blessings and the judgments that God has promised will happen. Blessed are those who maintain justice and do what is righteous. God’s salvation will come.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Isaiah 55:8 says that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. God’s ways are higher than the ways of people. This is important to remember because if we only focus on life from a human perspective we will be stuck in an unproductive life. The closer we can get to God’s way of thinking better life will be. We need to follow the advice of another verse in this chapter that tells us to seek the Lord while He may be found. Applying these two truths in my life will make all the difference in the world.
I also see the admonition to seek justice, for salvation is close. This will come as a natural result of a genuine relationship with Jesus as Savior. God wants His followers to be a positive influence on the world around them.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see and grasp the love and mercy of God. Many people who have broken God’s commands and rejected His call in their lives now believe that there is no hope. That is simply not true. The amazing grace of God welcomes all who come to Him in repentance.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 53 & 54
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
What is there that will attract people to the Messiah? We are told here that it was certainly not any physical beauty or human status. We also see here that He was despised and rejected by people, especially religious leaders. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He was despised. We see here an accurate description of the horror that the Messiah would go through. This description accurately describes all that Jesus went through and all of His suffering. Jesus died to pay the price for all of the sins that people have committed and to provide a way to restore the broken relationship between people in God. The human race has strayed far from God and Jesus took on Himself our sin as He was led as a lamb to the slaughter.
Another special word of encouragement that comes from these chapters is the statements that no weapon that is formed against God’s followers will prosper. It does seem at times that the ungodly are prospering and being successful, but we know that in the end God will win.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I have been blessed to know about the sacrifice of Jesus all my life. I have been blessed to receive the benefits that come from serving Him. These benefits have come because my parents and grandparents lived the life that Jesus bought and paid for on the cross. I know that there are many who reject the concept of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. But I have seen the positive impact and effect that makes in life and I will continue to serve Him because He is worthy to be served.
3. How can I help someone?
Look and see what Jesus went through for you. He did this because of His great love for you and because you need the gift of life. Don’t let pride prevent you from receiving the blessings of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. You can never earn forgiveness by all your good works.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 51 & 52
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
There is a very important statement that speaks to “you who pursue righteousness”. Throughout the history of the world there have been many people who have known God’s truths and yet have walked away from them. Thankfully, there are also those who have remained faithful to God and pursued God’s righteous standards of life. These people have not submitted to the deception and the destructive influence of sin. They have remained faithful to God’s ways of life. Those who reject God’s righteousness will ultimately receive the destruction that sin brings.
God’s blessings are upon those who proclaim the good news of God’s salvation. It is here expressed by the thought of how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim good tidings of joy from the Lord. God’s eternal kingdom has come and all who receive the gift of salvation Jesus paid for on the cross will be citizens. God warns His followers to not touch or participate in the evil unclean things.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Upon reading these chapters, one small phrase jumped out to me. Chapter 52 starts out with the statement “Awake!! Awake!!”. That is a very simple phrase, but it challenge my thinking that so many people are sleeping spiritually. They simply want easy non-challenging spiritual words to be told them and want to slumber through anything connected with God. Make life easy and comfortable. The thought that jumped out to me was that what is truly needed is the vital importance of being spiritually awake and not just stumbling through the Christian life. And, the Christian life must be lived AWAKE!!
3. How can I help someone?
Really listen to what the Bible says. Live a life of full submission to God and the commands of His word. Give God complete control, for He is the only one who can take you to the place we all need to be.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 49 & 50
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Isaiah includes many prophecies about the coming servant of the Lord, the coming Messiah. He was promised to come to bring forgiveness of sins to all who will receive them. The “Anointed One” would be born of a virgin. The Savior would tell the truth to the world, even if it seemed to be a hard truth. It was prophesied that the nation of Israel would turn back to God through the coming Messiah, and that He would also reach out to all the nations of the world. God’s plan was/is to send the message of salvation to the ends of the earth. This would happen even though the Savior would be despised and rejected.
The Messiah came to comfort the weak and those who are struggling. The Messiah knew suffering and humiliation as He paid the price for the sins of the world.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Isaiah challenged all who believe in the Lord to stay faithful to Him. There will come times when there will be spiritual darkness and hard spiritual battles. Nations will rebel against God. Never compromise truth. As I write this I have just read an article about how many churches are compromising truth in order to try to make Christianity more palatable to the world. Jesus never did that. He told the people the hard truth, even when they didn’t like it. It is very important that I don’t get caught up with that compromising that appears to be the way to get people’s attention. The Bible can stand on its own and we don’t need to change it to reach people to change their lives.
3. How can I help someone?
Teach them the Bible. Teach them the truths of what God’s Word says without compromise. People need to know the truth. There are times when a doctor needs to tell the patient the hard truth about the disease they have. They may not like it, but if there is any hope of recovery, the truth needs to be understood and treatment started. The same is true regarding a person’s sinful condition.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 47 & 48
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Down through the centuries there have been many nations who thought they were above all of God’s commands and could do anything that pleases them. Babylon was a proud and self focused pagan nation that lived for sensual pleasure and satisfying any desires they had without restraint. They did not know that they were setting themselves up for God’s judgment Babylon is a picture of a time in the future when God will overtake all of the evil cultures of the world and judge them for their sin. This is a picture that our current world should recognize and let it stir their hearts to repentance.
Babylon was openly living in rebellion against God. We see here that many people in Judah claimed to worship God but in their hearts had broken God’s covenant with them. By rejecting God’s truth, they lived a rebellious life. They had a form of Godliness yet lived hypocritically and denied God’s power in their lives. There are many times in the scriptures when God calls His people back to Him.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
As I read through the Bible and think about these daily comments, I am often brought to the place of focusing on the priorities of life. It is very easy to only see the comforts and conveniences that are so readily available, and not think about the long-term impact of the decisions that are made. As I read through the Bible I am also reminded of the fact that human nature seems to think that there are no potential consequences or benefits to the choices that are made. The Bible says that the heart is deceitful, but that God is trustworthy. I must always remember this truth.
3. How can I help someone?
I can help people by reminding them of the truth I just mentioned. We all are accountable to God for the choices that we make. Make good choices focused on eternity.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 45 & 46
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
We must never try to limit who God can use for His purposes. Here we see that God used an unbeliever, Cyrus, to set Israel free from captivity. This was part of God’s plan to use Israel for salvation of the human race. God promised to go before them and make the crooked places straight. He again declared that He is the Lord and there is no other God besides him. We see the warning of woe against anyone strives with his maker. There will come a day when every nation will acknowledge that there is only one true God. All nations are invited repent and believe in God, to turn from rebellion and sin to receive God’s salvation. There will come a day when every knee will bow before the Lord. Paul repeated this truth in Philippians chapter 2 when he said that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Babylon worshiped false gods that did not have the power to keep them from being destroyed. Israel worshiped the Lord who was not made by human hands or had to be carried around by those that formed them. God promised His people that He would carry them and provide for them.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The promise of Isaiah 46:4 that God carry His people through every age of life is a great encouragement. He said that He has made us and He will carry and deliver us throughout life. Instead of being a burden, as is referenced to the false gods in verse one, God is a blessing and encouragement to all who believe in Him. What a great uplift this is to know that God is involved in and cares for my life.
3. How can I help someone?
Who or what are you looking to for strength and guidance in the issues of life? Are you looking to a source that requires your support? Or, are you putting your full and complete trust in God promises that He is the one who will carry us through? This critical decision will make all of the difference in life.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 43 & 44
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God loves His people intensely. He tells believers not to live in fear because He has redeemed them. He promised that when they go through difficult waters He will be with them. God reminds us that He is the holy one, He is our Savior. His people need not fear because they are precious in His sight and He promises to be with us. In His perfect timing God will reward the faithful and judge those deserve it. God reminds the reader that He is the first and the last and there is no other God, He is the only true God. All man-made images are useless.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is important to remember that we are made by God. We are told here that is He the Lord and besides Him there is no Savior. There is no power that can deliver out of His hand. I love the passage where God declared, I work and who can reverse it? There are many people these days trying to undo everything that God has declared. Even when it seems as if they are being successful in their efforts to destroy what God has created and declared, in the end they will fail in God will be victorious. I must continue to remember that truth and be encouraged to put my full trust in God. There are many promises in the Bible to let us know that in the end, HE wins.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people understand God’s love. At the same time, I want to help them understand that just because God loves them, they do not have the permission to break all of God’s rules and live a sinful life and lifestyle. God’s rules are for our safety and come out of His righteousness, holiness and love.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 41 & 42
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
There would come a time in the future when God would send a deliverer for his people to deliver them from exile. God would use a foreign king who would be willing to carry out God’s plan to save His people. God reminded the people of Israel that He had chosen them and through them salvation would come to the world. God’s blessing would come through them to the nations. God promised them that He would always be with them. God’s power will always be greater then the idols that other nations worship.
God promised a coming Messiah who would be empowered with the Holy Spirit. He would fulfill God’s plan to lead people to a right relationship with God. It is through the Messiah that God reveals His truth and justice to all nations. The Messiah is a light to all peoples. Through the Messiah people will receive forgiveness of sin and be able to restore the relationship with God that was broken by the rebellion in the garden of Eden.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This passage predicts a time when all faithful people of God, including both Jews and Gentiles, will sing praises to God. They will sing of the glory of God and the awesome salvation purchased by the Messiah. One of God’s great gifts is music. Through music inspired by the Spirit of God, we are able to bring praise and worship to God in a way that is higher than simply trying to express our thoughts. I am thankful for the great music that is available and will continue to sing the praises that God deserves.
3. How can I help someone?
When you are up against battles and walls that seem to block you in and overtake you, you can praise God and know that He can deliver you. God dwells in the praises of His people and makes that an awesome experience that we want to receive from God over and over. Don’t give up, keep worshiping the Lord.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 39 & 40
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The king of Babylon sent representatives to Jerusalem to visit with King Hezekiah. Hezekiah’s pride rose up and he showed these representatives all the riches of the nation. He showed them everything he owned. This brought a warning from Isaiah to the King that one day all these riches and the people would be taken captive to Babylon. Many years later the Babylonians did conquer Jerusalem and carry off the people and the treasures to their own country. When Hezekiah’s son, Manasseh, became the King, the nation rebelled against God and returned to idol worship.
The 40th chapter of Isaiah enters into a new section of his writing. Much of the remaining chapters focus on the future and the Messiah. Many of them relate to the coming of Christ. God’s salvation would come and there would be deliverance from the hard times. After the exile the people would return to their homeland.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
One of the verses talks about the glory of the Lord being revealed. That is an amazing concept to think about. It says that the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all flesh will see it together. We can see the glory and power of God in and through the life of Jesus. Someday Jesus will return and even more of God’s glory will be seen by the whole world. God will reveal himself as the all-powerful authority and mighty ruler. There are many things I can seek after in life. The absolute best is to seek after the glory and presence of God.
3. How can I help someone?
It is very common for people to want to associate with those that appear to be popular. Often the popular people have compromised what is right and prefers the accolades of others over submission to God. I want to help people see that it is most important in their lives to make every effort to connect with God and not people that are serving sin. Fame is fleeting.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 37 & 38
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Hezekiah was dealing with a threat from an enemy. He did the right thing by going to God in prayer. He depended on God and received His direction. This is always a good thing to do, go to God and ask for His help and guidance. Then it is important to actually do what you believe God said. God spoke to Hezekiah. They were facing the attacks of the Assyrian king who thought he was more powerful than God. That never works. God promised victory to His people.
Hezekiah was sick and Isaiah said that he would die. The king prayed for healing and God gave him fifteen more years of life. God hears the prayers of His people.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
We see here one of the most amazing passages in the Bible.
Isaiah 38:8 NKJV
8 Behold, I will bring the shadow on the sundial, which has gone down with the sun on the sundial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward." So the sun returned ten degrees on the dial by which it had gone down.
When God was showing His power and promise, He actually made the sun go backwards ten degrees. Only God can do that. This is a powerful word of encouragement for those who believe in and trust God. When we need what we can only call a miracle, it is never too hard for God. That needs to be an constant word of encouragement to me.
3. How can I help someone?
Hezekiah was facing some formidable opposition. God gave him the assurance that He would take care of the situation. Learn from that. Know that God is not puzzled by the situations that we face. He is there for each one. One key point from this story: Hezekiah was living in obedience to God. Often people live any way they want and then expect God to come through for them and deliver them. The first issue of life must be that we are living in obedience to God. He is not obligated to get us out of the messes we are in because of sinful lifestyles. It is a lie of the enemy to make us think that we can do anything we want and God should be there to rescue us from our stubbornness.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 35 & 36
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Life can be either great or horrible. It can be depressing or it can be filled with blessing. Here we see a time where the wilderness is blossoming with life and beauty. In God we can have hope, joy and salvation. One of the best parts of serving the Lord is His majestic and glorious presence. There is nothing available on earth that compares to God’s presence. God’s power will not be stopped and nothing is too hard for Him. The Lord will come one day and judge the world for all the evil done by wicked people. He will also reward all who were faithful to Him
King Hezekiah was a godly king of Judah who trusted and served the Lord. Sennacherib, king of Assyria, invaded Judah, attempting to capture the capital city of Jerusalem. The field commander of King Sennacherib’s army tried to sabotage the people’s assurance in God by threats and lies. In his sinful pride, he intimated that God was not powerful enough to save them. But, he was wrong and God delivered them.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God has called for His people to live a life of holiness. The path of holiness is clear when people get close to their Lord. God’s Word reveals standards of purity, honesty, integrity and separation from evil. Tied in with this is a commitment to what is right, God’s unchangeable truth. Those who seek God will clearly see and understand what God expects. Living by God’s standards brings His peace.
3. How can I help someone?
Deception is rampant in the world today. It is amazing to see the brashness of the lies that people believe. People can’t see the hand in front of their face. They can’t see God’s truth. I want to help them see it and receive the deliverance God promises.