Bible Chapter: Isaiah 33 & 34
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This passage starts out with a unique challenge. It says woe to you who plunder, though you have not been plundered. It speaks to those who deal treacherously but no one has done that to them. There will come a time when God will judge them for their actions. Bible scholars tell us that this application was to the Assyrians who showed no mercy and would be destroyed. They also say that it applies to the future to the forces of evil who will be thrown into the lake of fire forever. I also see that it shows God’s righteousness to judge sin. God’s anger against sin is justified because of all the rebellion that people have expressed against Him and the pain they have inflicted on the world. Today we see nations ridiculing God and thinking that nothing will ever happen. They act as if they are the supreme power in force thinking they are stronger than God. Someday they will realize how sadly mistaken they are. By then it will be too late.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
We see a prophecy by Isaiah saying that judgment will come on all who oppose God and are hostile to His Word. The Bible has been continually attacked down through the generations and there are people today becoming more and more vocal against the Bible. I see this as both hostility against God and fear of the impact that the Bible can have. People whose lives have been positively impacted by the power of God revealed in the Bible are a good illustration of what God will do when we submit to him. It is vitally important to continue to trust God’s word and apply it in life.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to encourage people to continue to read and study the Bible. There is hope for life through what God has promised. Anyone who diligently studies the Bible with an open heart will receive the benefits that come from it.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 31 & 32
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
It is very easy to want to put all of our trust in what we can do, rather than trusting in the Lord. Grief was promised to those who put their trust in horses and chariots instead of having confidence in God. God promised to defend his people. Unfortunately, many times they put a greater trust in false God’s. It is very easy to become complacent and be content with sin. When that happens God wants his people to tremble and mourn as they repent. God calls for his people to cry out to God until the power of the Holy Spirit is sent to refresh them. We need God’s favor in our lives.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is important to continue to seek God until the power of the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us. We need the continued filling of the spirit to impact our lives and empower us to serve the Lord. It is very easy to put my trust in what I can see. It is vitally important to put my trust in God and see the power of his spirit working the miraculous. It is critical to remember and put full trust in God.
3. How can I help someone?
God did in amazing job when he made people. He gave us a brain that can do amazing things. We can conceive of awesome ideas and invent products that cause us to be in awe. Technology is advancing so rapidly that it is impossible to try to keep up with it all. In spite of all these advancements, we must live our lives putting our trust in God and not the intelligence we have. Trust in the Lord with everything you have and don’t think that you can handle everything by yourself.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 29 & 30
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
There are many people who know God’s expectations for life who stubbornly refused to follow them. There comes a point in time when God says that judgment will come because of the continued practice of sin. Here we see that God spoke this message to those who lived in Jerusalem, because God no longer accepted their rebellion and wanted to show them their need to turn to God. Israel had many enemies who often try to destroy them. God did come through many times protect them from their enemies. Because their hearts were far from God, even though they continued to pray and offer sacrifices to God they brought God’s judgment on themselves.
Judah made plans that were not God’s plans for them. They made political and military alliances that did not reflect what God wanted them to do. They rejected God’s counsel and didn’t believe His promises. There was a desire to only hear pleasant things and not the hard words that came from God through His prophets. They didn’t seem to want to hear the truth, but only words that made them feel good.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
One of the messages to God’s people was that in repentance and returning to God, they would find their salvation. Repentance requires a change of heart and mind. It requires turning around and going the opposite way we have been going. God requires going His way. Salvation comes with repentance as people humble themselves before God, turning from their sin and putting their trust in God. Those who refuse to listen and respond will ultimately find spiritual defeat. I cannot allow myself to live a life that only does what I would like to do. I must go God’s way.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people understand that God truly longs to offer repentance and salvation to every person. The issue is that God will never force himself on anyone. He will only respond to the heart of a person who turns from sin and confesses Jesus as his Lord.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 27 & 28
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Obedience to God and faithfully serving Him - or disobedience and living a sinful life. These are the choices that people can make. Those who rebel against God and live the life of sin will be judged. Destruction is the end result of sin. We see here that God’s longing is to make the nation of Israel successful and prosperous. Because of His covenant with Abraham, the nation will never be destroyed as so many of her enemies were. He continually worked with the nation to bring them to the place of serving Him. They received God’s discipline with the desire that the people would quit serving sin and leave their shameful conduct.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The cornerstone (the main part of the foundation of a building) is the Lord. Trusting and obeying God is the only firm foundation for life. The book of Ephesians tells us that Jesus is the chief cornerstone. There are many lessons to be learned through history. In reading the history of Israel we see that they had their ups and downs. They didn’t have to have these events if they would have remained faithful to what God revealed to them. Some were faithful to God and some weren’t. That is the lesson to apply today. Be faithful and not go my own way. Obedience always wins out.
3. How can I help someone?
Isaiah 28:23 sums up this question quite well. It simply says: “Give ear and hear my voice, Listen and hear my speech.” (NKJV) Give an ear and listen. Then DO. It doesn’t have to be made a difficult process as long as we don’t allow our pride to get in the way.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 25 & 26
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God’s name is to be praised. He is already victorious and in the end He will win the ultimate victory. All forces that oppose Him will go down in defeat. God is the Victor, He is the Savior. There will be much celebration in Christ’s return and victory. Death will be swallowed up forever. This enemy that brings so much sorrow as we experience separation from loved ones will be destroyed. God will wipe away all tears from our eyes. God will save all who have put their trust in Him.
We also have the promise of God’s perfect peace. God will keep His people in perfect peace as we learn about and practice trusting in God. This is one of the most precious promises in the Bible.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I want to continue to rest in God’s peace. God will keep us in His perfect peace. We need this more than ever. It is impossible to pay attention to what is happening in the world without being bombarded with bad news. Life doesn’t mean anything any more. God’s moral teachings are tossed out like last week’s rotten food. Selfishness takes over and people do what ever they want. To a person serving the Lord, these things can be overwhelming. God has promised His peace to all who put their trust in Him. I must be careful to continue to live in God’s peace and let it carry me through. It is very easy to become overwhelmed with fear.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see that, in the end, God wins. So, we all must be living in God’s way, following His directions. When we do that we can have hope for the future. Eternity with the Lord is God’s promise.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 23 & 24
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
There was an ancient port city, a center for world commerce called Tyre. It was a wealthy city that was filled with many evil people. Isaiah’s prophecy said that the city would be taken down for 70 years and then God would restore it for a time. When the city of Tyre started trading again, they would go back to their dishonest and immoral activities as they strove to again attract business from other nations.
Isaiah spoke of the downfall of many cities and nations. He also spoke prophetically about the end times. There will be time when God will destroy much of the earth and its inhabitants. It will be a time of amazing horror. Because the human race has defiled all of God’s creation and corrupted itself with wickedness and immorality, God’s wrath will be poured out on the world. Today we are seeing more and more rebellion against God and open sin that is controlling societies. God is telling us that in the end He will destroy all of this sin.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
In the midst of all of Isaiah’s writing about judgment, he also talks about a remnant of people who remain faithful to God. They will raise their voices in praise to God and rejoice when the evil people are finally defeated. Isaiah grieved over all the rebellion that was around him. I want to make sure that I identify with those who are praising God and living in obedience to Him. These days I am observing more and more compromise of the Bible and hearing people literally say the opposite of what they had formerly taught. I never want to get caught up in that deception.
3. How can I help someone?
Some people think that as long as life seems to be going along OK, that they don’t have to worry about anything or make any changes. As I read about the city of Tyre, I see a good illustration of the danger of that attitude. After a time of judgment they went right back to what they were before. Because they did that, they again lost out. They didn’t acknowledge God’s judgment.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 21 & 22
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Isaiah prophesied the falling of Babylon. This would cause Judah’s dependence on foreign and false gods to shatter. Sadly, this nation that had God’s promise and great blessing had a history of straying from God and receiving false gods from other nations. God did many things over the years to get their attention and to get them to trust in Him. Isaiah prophesied the demise of other nations as well and showed God’s mighty power.
God’s people appeared to not trust His revelation of Himself. They often had rebellious attitudes towards God. Isaiah wept over the tragedy of the spiritual rebellion. Many were so spiritually blind they couldn’t even see the impact of their sin and the destruction that came from it.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Isaiah grieved for the people of God and wept for them. They were compromising with the world and tolerating ungodly behaviors. Many were even practicing sinful things. God’s longing is that His people will always live by biblical standards and not accept sin. I have striven to live according to biblical principles and I must continue to do that. I believe that one of the lies of the enemy is the thought that, since I have been so faithful to God for a long time, I now have permission to stray and it won’t hurt me. That is a nasty and destructive lie.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see the truth of the blessings that come from following God and living according to His ways. The world makes a big splash of how awesome life is doing things their way. The truth is that this big splash quickly dies down and there is nothing left to make life worth living. Even the best of the emotion and sentimentality for life that the world gives has no hope for eternity. Jesus gives us a real hope for eternity.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 19 & 20
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
We see the prophecies of judgments against nations continue. Isaiah wrote that Egypt would face judgment. Judah would receive no help by trying to align with Egypt. Egypt would come to the place where they realize that God was judging them and they would have times of hardship and suffering. Eventually some of them would call out to the Lord and begin to worship him. There will come a day when many nations that were rejecting God will begin to worship him.
God used Isaiah in a very dramatic way to represent His judgments against the nations. Protection and security come from God, not any human source. Sinfulness always leads to shame, but unfortunately many people can’t seem to see that. God calls for His people to separate themselves from ungodliness and sinful behaviors. We are called to stand for what is right whatever the outcome may be.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I must always remember the righteousness of God and the fact that, in his perfect time, He will judge sin. I must also remember that, as the righteous judge, He will reward obedience and faithfulness. In society these days I am not seeing a general support and encouragement of righteousness. That must not influence me to compromise, for the Bible is filled with God’s warnings and promises.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to encourage people to think about this thought: who do you listen to? Who do you let influence you? Are you only listening to the loudest voices or the smoothest sounding presentations? I was recently shocked to read a statement by a man claiming to be a Christian who said that we shouldn’t listen to some 2,000 year old letters. He actually said that the Bible is irrelevant. He was literally promoting what the Bible calls sin. I want people to know that the Bible will never be irrelevant.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 17 & 18
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Down through history there have been many major cities that have been built. They have seemed strong and to the people living there they had an expectation that the city always would exist. Yet here we find another warning from Isaiah that another city, Damascus, would no longer exist as a city. So many great cities the world have seen their downfall because of the sinful lives of the inhabitants. Millions of people have served useless idols and God’s with no power, thinking they were safe and had the protection of these Gods. They learned too late that they should have served the creator God who is all-powerful. One of the problems with the false gods that were being worshiped in the cities mentioned here is that a big part of their so-called worship was sexual immorality. Those who promote sin will always lose out in the end.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
In reading these chapters I find that many of the problems came because people were looking to human strength and human alliances instead of putting their trust in God. There are many things that people can do and there are powerful nations in the world that have the ability to control. But none of these things that are done by either individuals or nations are eternal. Only God is eternal. This is why I must continue to put my trust in Him.
3. How can I help someone?
There are times when people continue to look for some new answer or unique solution to the issues of life. I keep coming back to the fact that, as the Bible says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Since God does not change, I must continue to follow Him and encourage everyone to do the same.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 15 & 16
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The messages to the nations continue in Isaiah’s writing. Here we find the warning to an enemy of Israel, the land of Moab. Even though they have been an enemy of God and his people, compassion is expressed for them and what they faced. Throughout the Bible we never see God delighting in bringing judgment on people for their sin. He longs to show forgiveness and mercy if people will repent and turn from their wicked ways. Since God is righteous, He will judge people for their sin. The fact that His nature is love does not negate the necessity of His righteous judgment. Moab was facing God’s judgment because of their pride and failure to submit to God.
Throughout the book of Isaiah we see the future of Christ’s coming kingdom and rule. Isaiah pointed out that in the end the Messiah would end all destruction and oppression.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The promises of the Lord’s coming rule and the end of oppression and destruction are encouraging words for all who dwell on them. In God’s perfect timing we will see the peace and righteousness we long to see in the world today. Evil people are bringing great pain to the world, but we can continue to rely on God’s power and His promises.
3. How can I help someone?
Trust God. Don’t depend on your own strength and perceived goodness. History is filled with nations and individual people who thought they were above God’s rule and standards. They have learned the hard way that no one will undo God’s ways. Trust God and obey.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 13 & 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
One of the critical lessons in life that every person in the world must learn is that God is a righteous judge. When people rebel against God and His ways, they will at some point in time face His judgment. Everyone is accountable to God. Many think they can reject Him and oppose His commands. They will be amazed the day that they stand before God as judge and realize how wrong they were. Sadly, by that time, it will be too late. Isaiah prophesied that the wicked and ungodly Babylon would be overthrown just like Sodom and Gomorrah. And, at some time in the future, all of God’s enemies will come to a similar destruction. Isaiah also told of the destruction of Assyria and the Philistines.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is easy for people to think that they have no accountability to God. After all they cannot see Him. There are countless voices in the world telling us that we have total freedom to do anything we want and that no one should make us do anything we don’t want to do. We are told that we should be entertained and happy and that restrictions are bad. Chapters like these remind us of the fact that God really is in control and that He made the world, and His righteousness establishes standards of human conduct. I must always remember this and never allow myself to be deceived by these lies.
3. How can I help someone?
The question I want to show to people is this: Can’t you see that you are being deceived? But, the fact is, because they are being deceived they can’t see. With God’s power I want to help people see God’s truth and righteousness and open their spiritual eyes.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 11 & 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The Messiah was promised. He was promised to be empowered by the Holy Spirit so that he would fulfill God’s purposes and show God’s power. This included bringing salvation to the nations. He would also empower his followers with the might of the Holy Spirit so that others could also be brought to a personal relationship with God. The Messiah would be righteous and faithful. A future time was promised when the Messiah would rule the world and bring peace and safety to all, to the point where even the wild animals will be tamed. God’s people will gather together and give great praise to the Lord for he will rescue his followers from the forces of evil.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It is easy to look at the mess the world is in and lose hope. Chapters like these remind us to continue to put our trust in the Lord and have confidence in him. Evil times will not last forever, even though sometimes it may seem that they do. As things get worse, we must be reminded that they point towards the time when the Lord will return and bring His victory.
3. How can I help someone?
Keep looking up. Keep looking to the promises that God has given in the Bible that tell us that He really does know what is going on and He really does have all power. No force will ever overtake Him. So, keep trusting God.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 9 & 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God will take away the gloom and sorrow. A Deliverer will come. God promised that one day a Savior would come to the nation and bring them joy. He would be the light of salvation and free the people from oppression. This child would be born and this event would become a defining moment in history. This child would be known as the prince of peace.
For those who have no sorrow about their sin there will be God’s judgement. God will also judge heathen people whose pride and cruelty hurt the nation of Israel.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Some of the most well-known prophecies about the Messiah come from these chapters. They have been quoted time and time again. His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. This Savior is what the world needs. He is what people need in their hearts. I have been blessed in so many situations to receive help and encouragement from the Lord. When there are times that things don’t go well, I must and will continue to put my trust in the One of whom it is said: Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.
3. How can I help someone?
Can you see the 2,000 year history of the impact of the life of Jesus? Can you see the blessings that come to those who make Him their Lord? Won’t you receive Him in your life as well?
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 7 & 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The nation of Israel had been split apart. An attack was being planned against Judah. Isaiah told King Ahaz to trust God to save Judah. Instead, he looked to Assyria for help. This would eventually come to bring them many problems that would last for generations. Ahaz didn’t have enough faith to trust God. Isaiah prophesied that there would be future problems because of the king’s actions.
One of the longest names in the Bible: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. He was the second son of Isaiah. The name means “quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil.” This plunder and spoil pertained to the treasures that would taken by the conquering army at the end of a war. The name was used to predict Israel’s future destruction.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
In the midst of these chapters is one of the most important prophecies that pointed forward to the Messiah. Isaiah 7:14 NKJV Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
This verse has been quoted countless times at Christmas celebrations. Jesus fulfilled this and all the other prophecies about the coming Messiah. This gives great hope. I can have hope for daily life and for eternity because God’s great plan was fulfilled. To God be the glory for great things He has done and continues to do.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people trust God. The prophet Isaiah gave the king good advice and he didn’t follow it. The more people learn to trust God the better life will become for them. Learn to follow the advice and commands God gives in His Word.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 5 & 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God’s desire is to make His people spiritually fruitful and effective. There are many blessings that come from God and serving Him. The term blessing is expressed biblically in many ways. God brings prosperity to those who are faithful to Him. Note: don’t think the word prosperity only means money or is a guarantee of lots of money. In this chapter we see that God did many things for Judah, but unfortunately they were not faithful to HIM. This brought on the destruction of the “vineyard” God was creating in them. They brought the woe of God on themselves through things like greed, mockery towards God, changing God’s moral standards, pride and corruption. Even with things that were evil they called them good. All of these issues brought their downfall.
At the time that King Uzziah died, God did some amazing things with Isaiah. He saw the Lord sitting high and lifted up. He saw the holiness of God as the angelic beings sang holy, holy, holy to the Lord. God is totally holy. There is not even the slightest taint of sin in Him. When Isaiah saw this, he realized his own sinful nature and understood that no human has the right to be in God’s presence. It was at this time that Isaiah was commissioned to be the prophet of the Lord to the nation. He went to the nation to tell them of God’s judgements and call them to repentance.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
As I read this passage I can see that the sinful nature of the human race has not changed. People are still turning from God. They are still redefining God’s commands and calling evil things good and the good things God has given they call them bad. They do not understand that it is impossible to change the definition of an absolute. This is an issue of confusion and deception. I see that happening all the time, and now even more than ever. I must be careful to get a good perspective of what the Bible teaches and always only apply that.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see what is really happening in the world. I want to help them see what the Bible says and know the benefits and blessings of total submission to God. They will have all of eternity to rejoice is that awesome decision.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 3 & 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
It is always a sad situation when God’s people no longer follow God’s ways. We see here that the nation rebelled and rejected God, thus bringing God’s judgment on every part of their culture. It is common that people who reject God’s ways will oppress each other. This leads to rebellion against authority and losing moral restraint, so that people take no responsibility for their actions. Isaiah’s prophecy was a scary one. But God told Isaiah to encourage the faithful believers who continued to serve God and did not enter into the rebellion. This was a time of moral, political and spiritual decline where the women of Judah were more concerned about their outward appearance and sensual appeal than the inward righteousness that honors God. Isaiah’s message did include the promise of a coming Savior, and that there would be those who would live a holy life reflecting God’s moral character and separation from evil.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The prophecy to the nation in Isaiah’s time could easily have been written today. Everything that describes Judah at that time describes our modern world. We have been living in a generation of rebellion, selfishness and rejection of God’s morality. The Bible talks about the fact that people will be deceived and live lives in total rebellion against God. It is very important for me to continue to recognize these facts and not let the rebellion and sensual nature of our culture impact me or draw me into its trap.
3. How can I help someone?
I often want to say to people, can’t you see what is happening in our world. I am amazed at the deception and the fact that people are allowing forces of evil control and define the debate about the issues of life. I want to help people see God’s truths so that they submit to him and walk the path of life in obedience to God’s ways.
Bible Chapter: Isaiah 1 & 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Isaiah was a very unique and amazing prophet. He ministered to the nation over a period of about 50 years and four kings of Judah. Unfortunately, there were many people who had turned away from serving God and soon He was correcting the nation. They were told that unless God had left them a small remnant, they would have become like Sodom. The people were making sacrifices but, because their hearts were not in them, they were futile before the Lord. God called for them to put away the evil that they were doing and become clean. He said that even though their sins were horrible, they could be forgiven and made new. If they would be willing and obedient they could eat the good of the land.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The book of Isaiah tells us both of God’s judgment and His provision of salvation for those who would believe. God spoke clearly to His people that they had brought problems on themselves because of their sinful actions. Sin brings judgment. While there are many people who try to say that God’s love precludes any judgment on His part, the Bible is clear that God judges sin. The Bible is also clear that God forgives sin. I want to be sure that I continually live in obedience to God’s way, never forgetting that the choice of a place in eternity is up to me and what I do. I want to continue to remind myself of the importance of obedience.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see both the righteousness and mercy of God. Everyone needs to understand that God created the world and people so that we could have a close walk in fellowship with Him. God gives us the responsibility to submit to Him and obey His commands. Obedience leads to a life of knowing that God is with us whatever the path of life may bring.
Bible Chapter: Song of Solomon 7 & 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This book ends with the continued expression of love between this man and woman. They long for the day of their marriage and know that the special gifts God gives in marriage await them. If they continue to wait to not enter into a sexual relationship till the marriage came, they would rejoice and receive God’s blessings. A thought was repeated that had been expressed earlier in the book. They were careful not to arouse or awaken their love to the point of physical intimacy until the time was right after their marriage. This is wise advice for all to follow to not stir up affections and desires until the proper time. Their love was very strong for each other. They continue to express their passionately intense devotion to each other.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God’s plans have always been good plans. They’ve always been the best way to live. In the spiritual battle to destroy people, one of the most effective ways to accomplish this by the enemy of our souls is to draw people into what the Bible calls immorality. Anyone can be tempted in this area and I continue to put my focus on my commitment to my wife to avoid that fall.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see that there is never anything better than doing things God’s way. So we must follow all of the truths of the Bible to keep our hearts and minds clean and pure. The more we do that the more victory we will have in all areas of life, including the areas of morality.
Bible Chapter: Song of Solomon 5 & 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
We see the expressions of great joy and expectation of this young couple in love. She talked about the deep emotional response of love and affection as she thought of her lover. Her heart began to pound at the thought of his coming. She expressed the thought that he is altogether lovely. Everything about him was desirable and admirable. He expressed the thought that there are many, many beautiful women, but none of them can compare to his beloved.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
This ancient writing, this series of love songs, is a challenge to fully understand. We do know that the love that grows between a man and a woman, and their desire for the commitment to and blessings of marriage, is something that has been a God given gift from the beginning of creation. God’s amazing gift of human love and marriage greatly enhances life. It has greatly enhanced my life. I continue to be reminded of the blessing in my life because of my marriage.
3. How can I help someone?
The whole concept of marriage is under attack in our world. People keep trying to redefine it. But marriage is still God’s plan for one man and one woman to be committed to each other exclusively as long as they live. In spite of the confusing statistics, the majority of married people are happy in their marriages. I want to help people, especially the younger generation, to believe in God’s gift of marriage and seek His guidance and direction in their own lives for marriage.
Bible Chapter: Song of Solomon 3 & 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
We see the love songs continue. The bride expressed her continual longing for and seeking after the one she loves. The groom expresses the fact that he is enamored with her beauty and there is no one like her.
In this chapter we see three figures of speech. They point out that the young woman had kept her virginity. She was sexually pure on her wedding night. This is God’s plan. In spite of the face that some so-called experts tell us today this cannot happen, virginity until marriage is God’s sexual standard of purity for everyone. Those who violate this divine standard disgrace themselves and disobey God. Premarital sex cheapens the wedding night when the marriage is designed to be consummated by sexual intimacy. Those who break God’s laws in this matter steal something very special from themselves that they can never get back.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I am thankful for the good teaching that I received as I was growing up. I was taught blessings of marriage and the lessons of faithfulness in marriage. I continue my love for my wife and desire to be married to her. Our commitment purity before marriage and faithfulness in marriage is a blessing in our lives.
3. How can I help someone?
God’s plan for love and marriage between a man and a woman is a great gift He has given to the world. I want to help people understand that they will never do any better than to follow God’s plan for marriage and let the blessings add to their life.
Bible Chapter: Song of Solomon 1 & 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
This is a very unique book of the Bible. It is a series of love songs between a couple in love and committed to marriage. This book shows God’s blessings on His very special creation - marriage. We see God’s design of marriage to be a man and a woman. We see the beauty of their love and commitment to each other. The woman expresses the theme of her heart in love that his kisses are better than anything. This young couple in love longs for the time of their marriage and all the blessings that come with it. They understand God’s blessings on the physical intimacy of marriage that will bring them together both emotionally as well as physically.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Unfortunately, our modern world has totally confused the truths and issues of marriage. We have been told that people should experiment with marriage to see if they get along. They are to do this before they actually get married. We are told that marriage can be defined anyway we want. It is called marriage equality. So, this sacred gift God has created and given to the human race is being twisted and distorted so that it no longer has its true meaning to the world. As a result, society has lost its order so that confusion and anarchy are growing. I must never get caught up in this deception. I must continue to be committed to my marriage and receive the blessings that come from it. I must continue to help people understand God’s purpose in marriage.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people sort out the confusion of the lies being told about marriage. Churches are changing the Bible to become relevant to the world and find acceptance in the mainstream of society. The problem is that when people compromise eternal truth, they don’t gain anything of value. They slide down the slippery slope of compromise that leads to sin. I want to help people avoid that.