Bible Chapter: Joshua 3 & 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
THE day was at hand. THE day? Yes. The day when they would cross the Jordan River and begin their conquest. The people were told to consecrate themselves to God. They were to be submissive to God and be pure before Him. They were to be in a clean and right relationship with God. The promise was that the Lord would do amazing things. It would start with how they would miraculously cross the river. The river was at flood stage. This was no problem for God. All it took was for the priests to take a literal step of faith and step in to the river. When that happened God stopped the flow and provided a dry path across. Amazing things are no challenge to God.
The whole nation crossed the river. Because people so quickly forget, God commanded that they take twelve stones from the river bed and build a memorial. This is so that future generations would ask about what the stones mean and they would be told of the miracle God gave them. Every new generation must be taught the truths, power and majesty of God.
Joshua 4:23-24 NKJV
23 for the LORD your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before you until you had crossed over, as the LORD your God did to the Red Sea, which He dried up before us until we had crossed over, 24 that all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the LORD, that it is mighty, that you may fear the LORD your God forever.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
The priests brought the ark of the covenant ahead of the people. They knew what God had promised. A critical fact: the water did not stop flowing until the priests stepped in. They had to actually step in to the river before the river began to back up. When God directs, we don’t see everything perfectly laid out ahead of time. There are times when we have to take a literal step of faith and see God provide and intervene. Having faith to move mountains is one thing. Stepping out in faith is another.
3. How can I help someone?
Believers in Jesus must be people of faith. We must learn to hear from God and trust God to come through with His supernatural power. The Lord still does amazing things. Because the battle is intense against the forces of evil, it is only through God’s power that we will win.
Bible Chapter: Joshua 1 & 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
The book of Joshua continues the history of Israel, picking up where the writings of Moses leave off. When Moses died, God appointed Joshua to lead the people. He was given the great promises of God that when he would be strong, courageous and obedient to God’s law he would be a successful leader. He was challenged by God to keep the Law in his heart day and night. So, Joshua followed God’s commands and began to organize the people to finally enter the promised land. The people responded that they would obey and follow Joshua’s leadership.
Joshua sent two spies across the Jordan River to check out the situation. The first city they encountered was Jericho. They met Rahab and she helped them. She told them that the people feared Israel because of all the things God had helped them do. Because of her help the spies made an agreement that she and her family would be protected when Israel conquered Jericho.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Joshua had been through an amazingly long journey with the nation. He was alive to see the plagues in Egypt that God used to free the people. He saw the ups and downs of the nation for forty years in the desert. He saw a whole generation of people die off. Now, finally, he was chosen by God to lead the people to the place they had been promised. He faithfully stuck with the calling of God. He was obedient to what God commanded. He was ready to be used in a big way.
Joshua and Caleb were two of the twelve spies Moses sent to check out the promised land. These two saw the challenges and the potential. Ten spies were afraid and gave a bad report. These two said that God would help them conquer the land. Because of their obedience and faith they were permitted to see the victory of conquering the land. They stuck with what God called them to do. Their faithfulness brought them victory. They are a powerful example to follow. Stick with it and serve God. He is never late in how He will use a person. Never quit.
3. How can I help someone?
Good examples make a difference. When a person is going through a challenge it is easy to become discouraged and quit. Life was not easy for Joshua. He faithfully obeyed God and trusted that God would accomplish all that was promised. I want to help people see how He will help them as well as He has helped people like Joshua. Obedience and submission to God are keys.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 33 & 34
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Moses pronounced a blessing on the tribes of Israel. He ended it with the promise that God is their refuge and underneath are His everlasting arms. God promised to drive out the enemy and they could live in safety. God is their shield and helper.
Then Moses left them and climbed Mount Nebo. It was there that God showed him the promised land. Then Moses died. He had the most unusual funeral. God alone attended. God buried Moses somewhere, no one knows where. Moses was an amazing leader and prophet. He had a unique and special relationship with and understanding of God. He is a great example for all believers. We must strive to know God more intimately. To have fellowship with God is the greatest accomplishment in life.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Moses faithfully served God. It was not in perfection, but in faithfulness and a desire to be close to God. Included in this faithfulness was passing the mantle on to Joshua. Note 34:9. 9 Now Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; so the children of Israel heeded him, and did as the LORD had commanded Moses. NKJV Joshua was full of the spirit of wisdom to be the leader of the nation. When God empowers a person, they can do all God planned. That is a great lesson for all to learn. It is important to remember because even when a person gains experience and education, they must still fully rely on God. According to the end of this book, Moses was unique. Joshua was especially used by God to bring Israel to the land of promise. God’s anointing makes all the difference for anyone.
3. How can I help someone?
I have the privilege of working with people in various settings of ministry. I want to help people grasp that there is no limit to what they can accomplish as they are living and working under the power and anointing of God. We can all work and make an eternal impact.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 31 & 32
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God had a plan for His people. The leadership role was passed from Moses to Joshua. While Moses longed to take the people to the promised land, he was forbidden to do so. Joshua would lead them to the great conquest God planned. Joshua was given a powerful promise that God would go with them and give them victory.
Moses wrote down the Law God gave and told them of the importance of reading it. They were to read it so that everyone would know what God commanded. This truth is still necessary, people need to read what God said so they can obey. We all need to be reminded that God never gave suggestions.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Moses told Israel that after his death he knew they would rebel. They would walk away from obedience to God and prostitute themselves with foreign gods. Sadly, that had previously happened and would happen again, just as he predicted. There is a strong spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of people. It appears that often some “new teaching” will show up and people will be drawn down to believing it. I must keep God’s revealed Word in focus and only let that guide me. There are excellent teachers who can help me better understand what the Bible says. That is great. I must not be trapped by some lie that says I can sin or reject God and He won’t mind.
3. How can I help someone?
The Bible is filled with warnings and promises. I want to help people see them. God told Joshua that He would go with him as he brought the people to the land promised. It was a major task and challenge, but God helped him. God goes with all His people. Never forget that.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 29 & 30
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
At the end of Israel’s forty year trek through the wilderness, Moses spoke to them to renew the covenant God made with them. He challenged them to carefully follow the terms of the covenant so that they would prosper in all aspects of life. They were warned to not claim the blessing and then insist on going their own way. God has never given people permission to sin. Moses told them that this would bring disaster down upon them. There are deceived people who think they can put on a show of serving God while they continue to actively participate in sin. God clearly warned them against this mind set.
God’s promises of provision and prosperity always hinged on their obedience. This principle was repeated many times throughout the writings of Moses. The modern church needs to be reminded of this truth. Jesus didn’t come to simply give us a free pass to sin and then forgiveness.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
From the beginning God has given people a free will to make the choices of behavior. This is repeated in the ending of chapter thirty. Moses talked about a person’s heart. He talked about a person’s heart being drawn away from worshiping God. What we allow to come in to our hearts will direct our lives. Israel was challenged that God gave them a choice: life and death. He said they should choose life so they and their children might live.
The longer I live the more I see that God loves life and the devil loves death. The desire of evil is to make life miserable and present death as a viable and desirable option. People really do have choices to make. Sadly, so many make the choice for the things of evil and destruction. These bad choices influence their children and grandchildren. Moses challenged them to choose life so that they and their children would live. When the lie of evil convinces someone that what they do doesn’t matter or impact others, multiple generations are destroyed.
3. How can I help someone?
Someone wrote a song that includes the prayer that God will open the eyes of their heart. This is what I want to help people do, open their eyes so they can really see what is happening in their lives and what is the impact of their decisions. I want people to see that choosing God is always the best, no matter what the other options may look like.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 27 & 28
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
When Israel entered the promised land, they were to set up stones as a place of worship and sacrifice. They were to post the law God had given them. It was to be a constant reminder of what God had done and what He expected from them. The Levites were to recite several of God’s commands to the people and they all were to say “Amen”. These commands would remind the people of God’s curses on sin and immorality.
They were reminded of the great blessings for obedience. This thought jumps out to me because so often the perspective of people regarding what God expects is all negative. The view is that God is always against everything fun and not for anything that people would want to do. Yet here we find a great list of blessings that come from obedience. For example, 28:8 says that God will send a blessing on their barns and everything they put their hand to. That is something that should get the attention of all people.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
With sixty eight verses, chapter twenty eight is long and unique. The majority of the chapter deals with the curses that they will live with if they disobey. Israel was reminded of the importance of obedience and application of God’s laws. And I see this speaks to all people since God’s truths are universal. As I read the chapter I thought over and over of how our modern world is mocking everything God commands and how we are seeing problem after problem. This talks about crop failure, horrible diseases, being conquered by enemies, and the list goes on. Looking at the current world situation it is easy to see that God is still judging sin. The culture I live in seems to be having a contest to see who can mock God’s ways more than the next person.
The personal application I see is that I have a choice. I can decide to obey and bring God’s blessings on my life. I can decide to do what I want, ignoring God. That will bring God’s judgement. I make the choice to serve and obey God.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to challenge people to make the same choice I just said for myself. I challenge people to make the best choice, to serve and obey God. No person will spend eternity in heaven in God’s presence regretting that they obeyed God. No one will ever be disappointed at the gift of life God gives them for obedience and submission to HIM.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 25 & 26
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Honesty in business dealings. Back in the day they sold products by weight using a balance scale. They were commanded to have honest weights for their business dealings. They were told not to have different, deceptive weights that said the wrong weight, so that in the process they would cheat people. God detests those who deal dishonestly. That strong language should get the point across. This is a good example of the many times Moses recorded God’s desire for righteousness and justice. Don’t be a cheat.
Israel was reminded to bring the firstfruits to God. Be a faithful steward of what God has provided and never be stingy. They were to also always remember their history. God was their salvation to deliver them from slavery in Egypt with miraculous signs and wonders. When people forget what God has done it is too easy for them to stray from serving and worshiping God and drift off in to sin.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Moses told the people to carefully observe God’s commands with all their heart and soul. They were to really worship God, not just go through the routine. Sadly, much “worship” to God has turned in to simply a routine. Do it because of guilt or fear that not “worshiping” will make you look bad. There is a major difference with honoring and seeking God with all one has verses simply going through a routine. Gathering together with God’s people to bring Him glory should never be boring. Teaching or preaching should always have life.
3. How can I help someone?
The Lord is the One who brought Israel out of bondage. He is STILL the ONE who brings anyone out of bondage as they reach out to Him and receive the new life Jesus promised.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 23 & 24
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Give refuge to those who need it. Do not oppress people. Care about people’s needs. We see God’s care and compassion for those in need. This is expressed in strict rules for how to treat poor people. If someone made a loan they were not to take something as security that would prohibit the poor person from making a living (for example millstones a person used to earn a wage). If a person worked for another they were to be paid right away, for they needed the money to live. When farmers harvested their crops, they were to leave some for poor people to glean. God cares about the alien, the fatherless and the widow.
Again we see the principle of purging sin from the camp. I have to ask why God repeated this command over and over. The answer that comes to me is that temptation to sin is common and people so quickly yield to it. God showed that He wouldn’t put up with sinful filth among His people. He wants all who follow Him to be pure. People need constant reminders of this truth.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Don’t take advantage of people. This truth is emphasized in 24:15 15 Each day you shall give him his wages, and not let the sun go down on it, for he is poor and has set his heart on it; lest he cry out against you to the LORD, and it be sin to you. If someone tries to take advantage of one in need God will defend that one and charge the other with sin. Care about people. Don’t deprive them of justice. This is especially for widows and orphans.
God cares about people because we are His highest creation. The Bible clearly says that we were made in God’s image. We were created for a special relationship with Him. Every life is valuable. God will bless as we honor and respect the value of human life.
3. How can I help someone?
Somewhere in my ramblings through life I heard the statement: find the need, and then heal it. That is a good principle to follow. While we can’t meet every need, we can do many things to help out. Solutions don’t all require money.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 21 & 22
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Purity and righteousness. These themes weave themselves throughout the writings of Moses. God gave example after example of the things that needed to be driven out of their nation. God was concerned with the value of life and the shedding of innocent blood. We see His great desire to protect life. People guilty of wanton murder were to be judged and punished.
God also revealed His perspective on rebellion. Obedience is an integral part of God’s holiness. We must be obedient. We see the importance of this over and over again throughout the Bible. Rebellion leads to problems in relationships and society. In our culture we have witnessed rebellion that started in the 1950s and has infected society, making it more dangerous and chipping away at the foundations that made it strong. God will judge rebellion.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God cares about routine, every day needs. We are told to be quick to help out those in need. If a person found a stray ox or sheep, they were to take care of it till the owner could be found. If someone’s donkey fell in the ditch, they were to help out and recover the animal. They were to be concerned with safety, and were instructed to build a safety wall around the edge of their flat-roofed homes. God cares about the details that are important to our daily lives.
God was and is also concerned about sexual morality. God created marriage for this physical expression. The enemy continually tempts people to break the commands about the proper expression of sexual relations. It is in marriage, only, period. End of discussion. God gave commands to cover this. In our world today we are seeing the extreme problems that result from the constant rejection of these commands. This again shows the principle of great blessings that come from obedience, and the great pain that results from rebellion and disobedience. God’s ways are always the best.
3. How can I help someone?
There are several truths in these chapters. Because of what I am seeing happen as a result of disobedience to God’s moral truths, I am reminded of my desire to help people see the blessings of obedience. I want to help people see (especially younger generations) the blessings of waiting for marriage to indulge in sexual relations. God is not against us, He is FOR us, and gives us the best guidance in this area. We could wipe out many diseases and social ills if people would only obey this one command.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 19 & 20
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God cares about justice. He provided for cites of refuge where people could go for safety when something happened and someone died. If there was an accidental death, the person could go to one of these three cities and be protected from someone who was out for revenge. However, if the person was guilty was premeditated murder, the guilty one would not be able to hide there, but would be given a trial and held responsible for their crime. God gave rules for witnesses to provide for justice. God’s desire was that evil people would be held accountable for their crimes and that the rest of the nation would know that justice would be carried out. This would help prevent evil and violence in the land.
God gave Israel encouragement when they had to go to war. They were told not to be afraid, for the Lord would go with them to fight against their enemies. God would help them.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
I like the thought of God’s promise to help. Don’t be afraid, for God will be with those who trust in Him. He cares about people and wants justice to be carried out. God is not lenient towards those who commit evil and deserve punishment. He is careful to protect the innocent. These principles make life better. They are good truths to follow and apply.
3. How can I help someone?
What does God have for those who follow Him? He knows what is best and righteously provides and protects. God is here to help. I want to help people see these great truths and submit to Him for every detail of life.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 17 & 18
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Sacrifices to God require the best. This principle is repeated throughout the Bible. God gets the first and best. If they brought the old, the weak and sick animals to sacrifice, God would not accept it.
God reemphasized the importance of getting rid of anything even close to false worship or connection with sinful activities. A very important principle for all generations was shared. They were to NOT imitate the detestable ways of the nations around them. God’s people are still tempted to do that. The things that “everyone” is doing and seem so popular and desirable must be rejected if they are not in line with God’s Word. So many things are abhorrent to God. Get far away from them.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God really knows what He is doing. Those who say they are speaking for God will be proven to speak for Him by the results. I was recently talking with someone who was telling about decisions their family was making. They thought they should go in one direction. They felt that God was telling them no, don’t do it. They listened to that leading from God. Soon they saw why God said no and they were very happy they listened. God knows what He is doing.
I am seeing over and over again in reading this book that God reminded His people to be obedient, reject compromise, be generous and live with an eternal perspective. Even though this book is thousands of years old, these truths never get old.
3. How can I help someone?
There are many deceivers today. They are open and blatant with their deception. They have learned to use modern communication to spread their deception. Many have partial truths mixed in with the lies that adds to the confusion. I want to help people see the difference and come to know Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 15 & 16
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God cares about people. He cares about the needs people have. Here Israel was told that God would provide for them if they would obey. At the same time they knew that some of their people would have financial needs. God instructed them to help out, not be stingy. Every seven years they were to forgive debts of fellow Israelites. They were to release the people who had sold themselves as slaves. They were to be generous. God told them He would notice if they were stingy. These are illustrations of how God takes care of His people.
God gave them many ways to worship Him. They had feasts that would remind them of all the blessings they had received. They were to be generous with offerings to God. They were to continue to worship God.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
After reading two chapters, I found a very interesting short portion at the end of chapter sixteen. God is very concerned about real justice for people. He told them to appoint judges to judge the people fairly. They were not to pervert justice or show partiality. They were to reject bribes and to only follow justice. That is very powerful. This reflects the rest of these chapters. They were told to care for people in need. They were reminded of being faithful to God. Those who do these things will also care about justice. What I observe in our world today is that often justice is what people in positions of power want it to be. I believe that many judges and those with position to impact and influence culture are misusing their positions and will stand before God, the real Judge, and be very sorry for their rulings. These chapters are a good challenge to help those in need and be concerned with fair and proper treatment of all.
3. How can I help someone?
Encourage generosity. Be generous. Be caring about the needs people have. Worship God faithfully. Encourage good treatment of all.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 13 & 14
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
False prophets. There will always be false teachers who are trying to draw a following. Some appear to do miraculous things. They will try to draw people away from worshiping God. A good question to ask is how do we know the difference between the true worship of God and the false messengers. The foundation of that answer is discovered in knowing what the Bible says. God will never inspire someone to speak against the Bible. There are no new revelations that cause the teachings of the Bible to be changed. The Bible is not an evolving document based on what is popular in a culture. We are to reject a false teacher. This is so critical that in this chapter God called for capital punishment of offenders.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Worship God. How do I worship God? Follow His guidelines. Included in this is the tithe. It means setting aside a tenth of my increase to give to God. While many balk at the thought of doing this, God says we are to do it. He will bless our obedience. Do it so that there will be provision in God’s house. God’s work will have the resources necessary when God’s people are faithful with the tithe.
3. How can I help someone?
Read the Bible. Learn what God wants you to do. Do it.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 11 & 12
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
What is most important in raising children? What is vital to life and critical to pass on to the next generation? There are many topics that could be included in this answer. But we read here of the most important truth to pass on. This truth is the teaching, the words of God. Israel was challenged to fix the words that came from God on their hearts and post them many places so they are obvious and people are constantly reminded of them. They were to teach them to their children so they would not only know them, but live and apply them in daily life. If there is not a foundation of knowing and living according to God’s directives, then anything that is accomplished in life is second best. We must live life for what is eternal.
God told them that He set before them a blessing and a curse. Obedience to His commands would bring the blessing. The curse would come if they disobeyed the commands of the Lord. They were warned several times to reject, to destroy any form of worship of other gods when they took the promised land. If they didn’t destroy the places of worship, they would be drawn in to them. This is good advice. Stay far from and don’t even play around with sinful things. They are deceptive and easily will trap someone in sinful participation.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Chapter twelve, verse twenty eight beautifully sums up this question of what I can apply in my life.
28 Be careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so that it may always go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and right in the eyes of the LORD your God. NIV
Make a special effort to obey God’s regulations. There is no place in the Bible where God makes suggestions. He gives commands because He knows what will work best. We shouldn’t be like the person who refuses to learn from others and insists on only learning from their own mistakes. We can save lots of heartache by listening and learning from God’s Word.
3. How can I help someone?
Each person must make a choice of either obedience or rejection of God’s ways. God says there is a blessing or a curse, it is up to us. We must take God’s warning seriously. Adopting the ways of the world leads to problem after problem. It leads to a loss of hope. An important question: how close can I get to Jesus?
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 9 & 10
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Israel was about to cross over to conquer nations that were much stronger than they were. The cities had tall walls for protection. The people were strong and had a reputation that no one could overcome them. But, God promised to go before them like a devouring fire. They would destroy the nations that anyone would say could not be conquered. These nations were strong, but evil. God was judging them for their sin. This is just another reminder of God’s righteousness and His rejection of sin. No nation is strong enough to resist God’s judgment.
God told Israel over and over to quit being stubborn against Him. They would so quickly turn away. Moses reminded them of the time when he was on the mountain getting the Ten Commandments from God. Before he even returned they had formed a golden calf and were worshiping it. God was ready at that time to wipe them out and start over with Moses.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
What does God require of His people?
Fear the Lord.
Walk in all His ways.
Love Him.
Serve God with all your heart and soul.
Observe God’s commandments and decrees.
These basic principles are proclaimed over and over throughout the Bible. This also describes what Israel struggled with throughout their history as recorded in the Bible. They were often stubborn and stiff-necked. Nothing has changed. People of all nations across the world today are the same. They are stubborn and demanding their own way.
It is much better to be obedient, following the basics mentioned above and seeking to get close to God. It is much better to make a strong and consistent effort to consume the Word of God and apply it in daily life.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people see that the best life is found in obedience. How close can I get to God? Learn to ask the right questions. Pursuing a close walk with God is better than asking how much I can get away with and not miss out on heaven.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 7 & 8
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Drive out the evil. Destroy the places of evil worship. God wanted them to completely destroy anything that had to do with the false gods the people served in the lands they would conquer. He even told them to not take the gold the gods were made of. It would become a detestable thing to them and pull them away from serving God. They were to have no close contact or relationship with the heathen, they were not to intermarry, but destroy everything connected with the heathen lands where they would live. They were to only serve God. Israel was warned that the evil one wanted to pull them away from worshiping the true God who had helped them along the way.
God reminded them that He was the powerful One. He would fight for them. He would drive out the enemies. Their weakness allowed God’s strength to be shown. Israel was reminded over and over, don’t forget the Lord.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Chapter eight ends with a sobering reminder and challenge. When the time came that they were prosperous, when they had lots of food and comfort, they must not forget to worship God and give Him the glory He is due. If they would forget God, they would then say how good and smart they were. Pride!!! All the good things came because of their amazing abilities. Pride!!! Then, if they did that, God would destroy their land. They would realize that they were not as awesome as they claimed.
As I read this section the thought of our modern world, and especially the United States jumped out to me. Our land is filled with people who mock and ridicule God. We have so much. And yet, God is mocked and people brag about all they have accomplished. People are very blatant about saying that the Bible, those who believe in it, are foolish and worthless. People claim they are smarter than previous generations and they know better. This is a quick road to failure and destruction. Pride and arrogance is destroying this nation.
3. How can I help someone?
The book of Proverbs tells us to trust God and don’t lean on our own understanding. That is a good application of these chapters. I want to help people see these truths and apply them in life.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 5 & 6
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
These two chapters are awesome. They review what God had given to Israel to guide them. They talk about the blessings and benefits of obeying God. God made a covenant with them. Central in that covenant were the Ten Commandments. These ten commandments, note that they are not suggestions, give any society a solid foundation for how to live. The blessings are reviewed in Deuteronomy 5:29 NIV 29 Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children forever!
If the hearts of the people would be toward God with a holy fear and obedience, things will go well with them. For all whose hearts are towards God they have an amazing promise of God’s help as well as eternity.
As I read these chapters the positives, the blessings of God jumped out. Do what God commanded and watch life be amazing. Yes, they had battles to face. But, those who obeyed were blessed. As I look around life I see huge differences between those who obey and those who insist on living life as they want. The negatives of self-rule are not worth it.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
It says to love God with all your heart, soul and strength. It goes on to say to impress them on others by keeping them before everyone. Why? What does this all mean? It means that God has our best interest at heart. He did some amazing things for Israel. He is still doing amazing things. It is common for people to desire to define God to their own liking. They think that God should make sure everything always goes well in life. Nothing bad should happen. They don’t recognize that God really IS awesome. He has given us the responsibility to obey and apply. If we won’t do that, He is limited in what He will do for us.
3. How can I help someone?
I want to help people become excited about God. In reading these two chapters I can see many reasons to be excited about Him. The commandments He gave give a society a solid foundation for living and getting along. The promises of His presence makes life the best. I want to help people see God, not as some religious obligation, but the loving creator that He is.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 3 & 4
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
God told Moses to not be afraid of the king of Bashan, for God had handed him over to Moses. And, that is exactly what happened. They continued to conquer till they took all the land God gave them on the east side of the Jordan River. That land was divided among two and a half tribes. The promise of God’s help is repeated in chapter three, verse twenty two. They were told to not be afraid because God would fight for them. Awesome!!!!
An important principle was repeated for the nation. Follow God’s laws so that they could live. Then they could go and take the land that had been promised. They were not to play with the laws, adding to or subtracting from them. Human laws are constantly changing depending on the person in power. God told them that He had given the laws they were to follow and they didn’t need any fixing. God is the highest authority. They were told to always remember the things that God had done. That would make them stand out to the other nations.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Here’s a good verse to apply in life that will make a lasting impact.
Deuteronomy 4:9 NIV
9 Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Pay attention and then listen. Keep the things of God close to your heart. Then, be sure to pass the things of God on to future generations. Those who know they will inherit lots of money look forward to the day when they will be able to enjoy the things that money can buy. God said that the best thing to pass on was His Word. No where in the Bible does it say that the best thing is to get really rich and then pass on tons of money to the next generation. It does say many times to seek God and let your children and grandchildren know God’s truths.
3. How can I help someone?
God is a consuming fire with a righteous, holy jealousy (4:24). God rightly judges sin and blesses obedience. His jealousy is not some petty thing. It is a righteous desire to keep what belongs to Him. I want people to know and understand God’s care for and desire to be in close relationship with every person on earth.
Bible Chapter: Deuteronomy 1 & 2
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
Deuteronomy is the last book Moses wrote. He was at the end of his life and this book is his farewell address to Israel. They had been wandering in the desert for almost forty years and it was about time for them to take the promised land. The majority of the population had no recollection of the exodus or the time in Egypt. They needed a reminder of what God had done and what He expected.
Moses review some of the early history. Included was the event that brought them to their long journey in the wilderness that kept most of them out of the promised land. After the spies went through the land to check it out, they came back with a glowing report. But, their report also included great fear. They said they people were too strong and they couldn’t win. They completely left God out of the picture. Because of this fear and unbelief, God kept them from seeing what they should have received.
They forgot that they didn’t need to be afraid, for God had promised to fight for them. They didn’t trust the Lord, so they lost out. They wandered in the desert till that whole generation died out.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
Caleb and Joshua received the blessing of survival and entrance to the promised land. This is because they followed the Lord wholeheartedly. God’s blessing was on them and their descendants. Following the Lord with all I have is a lifelong journey. One victory does not mean it is time to rest. This is an ongoing trip, walking and living with and for the Lord. In Moses’ writings we see this truth repeated many times. When they were obedient, they were blessed. When they were disobedient, they were judged. This is a good practical lesson to learn and apply.
3. How can I help someone?
When someone is writing or speaking, they will emphasize what is most important. Moses let us know obedience to God was high on the list. This is what people must grasp. I want to help people see that and learn to make it a central part of their lives.
Bible Chapter: Numbers 35 & 36
Because the Bible is practical, here are some statements to get you thinking.
1. Write one or two key thoughts that come from today’s reading.
In the process of dividing up the land, God provided for the Levites. They were to have cities and places to pasture their flocks. God also provided cities of refuge. He knew there would be times when one person would kill another. He provided for an orderly process to prove guilt or innocense. Those accused of murder could go to a city of refuge and be protected. There would be an orderly trial arranged and they would bring in witnesses. If it was proven that someone purposely killed another, then that one was to be put to death. If they were not guilty of willful murder, the could live safely in the city of refuge till the death of the high priest. Then they could go home.
God wanted to protect the land. He said that the blood of innocent people would pollute the land unless they brought justice against the guilty. Life is valuable. God’s righteous justice requires that those guilty of willful murder be punished.
Having given clear instructions about the dividing of the land so that each tribe got a fair share, God also gave instructions regarding the inheritance of the land for future generations. He protected the tribes so no tribes would be forced out of their inheritance.
2. What can I apply in my life from the reading?
God cares about people. He made people in His image and wants to protect us. The enemy hates people as much as God loves them. The enemy loves death and works hard to, as Jesus said, steal, kill and destroy. Death is high on the priority list of the evil one. People are used to kill others. God requires justice for innocent blood. I must not be caught up in anything that comes close to that, in spite of the fact that our laws are allowing death in various forms. People today are promoting various forms of death as “compassionate”. That is simply a cover for destroying the life God created.
3. How can I help someone?
When people are caught up in the lies of death, I want to help them see the blessings of life. Life can be tough some times, but it is always worth striving to protect. God has an appointed time when we have completed our journey through life, let HIM make the decision when it is to end.